Phys 624 - Quantum Field Theory
University of Maryland, College Park
Fall 2015, Professor: Ted Jacobson


HW0 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Sept. 17.

HW12 - due Tuesday, Dec. 15, 5pm.

1. (Renormalization of pseudoscalar Yukawa theory)
(Problem borrowed from "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", by Peskin and Schroeder.) Add part (c) Compute the β\beta functions βλ(λ,g)\beta_\lambda(\lambda,g) and βg(λ,g)\beta_g(\lambda,g) to leading order in coupling constants, assuming that λ\lambda and g2g^2 are of the same order. Sketch the coupling constant flows in the λ\lambda-g plane.

(The Gross-Neveu model)   (Problem borrowed from "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", by Peskin and Schroeder.) Add part (c) Compute β(g)\beta(g). You should find that the model is asymptotically free.

This homework is based on the material covered by Anton. You should use dimensional regularization and minimal subtraction in your renormalization computations.
Here's what Anton had to say about the material:

"I ended up covering sections 19.1-19.3 as well as 23.2 and 23.5.1. Basically, I went through the mechanics of renormalized perturbation theory at 1-loop for both phi^4 theory and QED. I drew all the relevant loop diagrams, applied the Feynman rules to them, and then just wrote down the final answers. I then fixed all the counterterms to cancel the 1/epsilon poles (dim reg with minimal subtraction). From the counterterms, it's just a quick calculation to get the beta functions and anomalous dimensions by demanding \mu invariance of the bare couplings and masses (secs 23.2 and 23.5.1). This lecture was more algorithmic and less conceptual, but I think that's actually the whole point of renormalized perturbation theory."

"I forgot to mention in class that choosing the counterterms to cancel just the 1/epsilon poles is called "minimal subtraction." That's the way it should be done in the homework as well. Also, in deriving the beta functions, all you need is the counterterms. So keep that in mind when evaluating the diagrams. It's often much easier to extract just the 1/epsilon piece than it is to calculate the whole diagram exactly."

HW11 - due at beginning of class Tuesday, Dec. 1.

1. P16.4 (Landau pole with standard model fermions)  (Note: To keep this simple, define the renormalized charges at
p2 = mtop2, and run up the energy scale starting from mtop, using the |p2| >> mtop2 approximation in the vacuum polarization graphs. The fine structure constant at mtop is eR2(mtop)/4π ~ 1/127.

2. Read Chapter 17 (The anomalous magnetic moment)

(Exotic contributions to g-2)   (This problem is borrowed from "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", by Peskin and Schroeder. You may assume the axion mass is much smaller than the electron mass, as that is anyway implied by other bounds.)

HW10 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Nov. 19.

1. P24.1 (cutting rules)  (Note: You will need to read section 24.1 to do this problem. You will see that you have already considered some of this material in the process of doing problem 7.9 on HW4. The solution to that problem, posted at our piazza site may be helpful in doing this problem as well.)

HW9 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Nov. 12.

1. (e+e- -> µ+µ- through scalar channels) (a) Consider the analysis of Sec. 13.3 with the photon replaced by a massless scalar particle, and the interaction Lagrangian gSϕψ¯ψg_S \phi\bar\psi\psi.
Derive the analogs of (13.68) and (13.78).  (b) Now do the same with the pseudoscalar interaction  igPϕψ¯γ5ψ.ig_P\phi \bar\psi\gamma_5\psi.

2.  P13.6
(Parity violation)

HW8 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Nov. 5.

1.  (Fermi oscillator) Suppose b and b* satisfy the algebraic relations {b,b}=0={b*,b*}, and {b,b*}=1, where b* is the Hermitian conjugate of b and { , } represents the anticommutator. Show that the spectrum of b*b consists of just two values, 0 and 1, corresponding to eigenstates |0> and |1>, and that b|0>=0, b*|0>=|1>, b|1>=|0>.

2.  P13.1 (Møller scattering, e−e− → e−e−)

3.  P13.3 (particle decays to e+e−)
HW7 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Oct. 29.

1.    (boost to the eigenspinors) In class we showed that the spinors u(p) and v(p) in (11.25) satisfy the Dirac equation with positive and negative energy respectively. These can also be obtained from (11.17) by application of a Lorentz boost. (a) What hyperbolic boost angle produces energy E and momentum p? (b) Apply the appropriate boosts to the L & R chirality components of (11.17) and show that you recover (11.25). [Hint: exp[w·σ\boldsymbol\sigma]=cosh(w) + sinh(w) (w/w)·σ\boldsymbol\sigma, where w = √w·w, as noted in class.]

2.  P11.4 (Gordon identity)

HW6 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Oct. 29.

P10.1  (relativistic effects in hydrogen atom) : Revision: This problem is confusing and confused. Hence change it as follows. a) Delete all parts except (h), and note that "m" should be \hbar/mecm_e c in that part, and "time-dependent" should be time-independent".) Replace
the rest of the problem by this. (A proper derivation of the relativistic corrections is tricky. I will write it up and post it later.)

P11.1 (Dirac matrix identities) 

3.  P11.6 (physics of spin & helicity)  The textbook website has this correction: "
This problem has generated some confusion. A cleaner version would be: (a) Use the left and right chirality projection operators to show that the QED vertex vanishes unless ψ and its conjugate are both left-handed or both right-handed. And (d) Suppose we take a spin-up electron going in the +z direction and turn it around carefully with electric fields so that now it goes in the -z direction but is still spin up. Has its helicity or chirality flipped (or both)? How is your answer consistent with part (a)?" For part (f), note that the weak interaction, which is responsible for beta decay, couples only to the left handed chirality of the electron.

4.  P11.9 (right handed neutrino, Majorana mass & see-saw mechanism) [Change part (d) to: "If m=100GeV, what value of M would yield a light neutrino mass 0.1 eV, and what would be the heavy neutrino mass?] 
For 11.9(c), by "satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation" he means with a mass-matrix that can be diagonalized. By taking linear combinations of the fields you can decouple the system into components, each of which satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation with a different mass.

HW5 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Oct. 15.

(gauge invariance and the little group for massless spin-1 particles)

(spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism) Read Sections 1-3 of and verify equations (9) and (12). 

3. (Linear sigma model)  This multi-part problem is borrowed from "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory", by
Peskin and Schroeder.

HW4 - due at beginning of class Tuesday, Oct. 6.

Problem 7.3 (non-relativistic Møller scattering)

2. Problem 7.4
(mass as an interaction)

3. Problem 7.8 (mu and tau decay)

4. Problem 7.9
(unstable particles and widths)

HW3 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Sept. 24.

1. Read section 3.5: Green's functions

2. Problem 3.4
(second order classical Feynman diagrams)

3. Problem 3.6 (Yukawa potential)

4. Read section 7.1: Lagrangian derivation of position space Feynman rules

5. Carry out the check suggested after Eq. (7.11)

HW2 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Sept. 17.

1. The LHC is currently producing head-on collisions of protons with energy 6.5 TeV each. If instead one of the protons were at rest, what energy would the other proton need to have in order to produce a collision with the same energy in the zero-momentum frame?

2. For a given source distance, there is an effective maximum energy above which the universe is opaque to extragalactic gamma rays due to the pair creation process γγe+e-\gamma\gamma\rightarrow e^+e^-, where the second photon comes from the "background light". To get a sense for where this cutoff energy lies, compute the threshold energy for a gamma ray to collide with a 1 micron photon to make an electron-positron pair. Compare your result with the graph in Fig. 3 of

 3. Problem 5.3 (muon decay phase space)

4. Problem 5.5 (Rutherford scattering)

HW1 - due at beginning of class Thursday, Sept. 10.