of Maryland
375 - Experimental Physics III - Optics
Hall and Skuja
- Course Syllabus
- Schedule
- Guidelines for lab notebooks and
data analysis reports
- Final Exam:
- Will be held next week, Dec. 7 - 10, during your lab section
time period, in the lab room (Phys 3203).
- Bring a calculator to the exam.
- You will have two hours to take the exam, starting at 3 pm,
and ending at 5 pm.
- This is a written exam. The questions will be based upon the
material that you've studied in the six labs this semester.
- There will be a review session on Monday Dec. 7th at 2 pm in
Phys 1412 (our weekly lecture time).
- You will be given this formula
sheet with the exam. No other notes will be allowed.
- How to study for the exam:
- Review the homeworks.
- Review the material in the six lab write-ups.
- Review your lecture notes and the lecture notes posted
- Attend the exam review lecture on Monday Dec. 7th at 2pm
in Phys 1410. Lecture notes are posted below.
- Review the suggested reading in the textbook.
- Homework assignments:
- Homework #1 - To be collected in
lab on Sept 8 - 10.
- Homework #2
- To be collected in lecture on Monday
Sept. 14th.
- Homework #3 - To be collected
in lecture on Monday Sept. 28th.
- Homework #4 - To be collected
in lecture on Monday Oct. 12th.
- Homework #5 - To be collected
in lecture on Monday Oct. 26th.
- Homework #6 - To be collected
in lecture on Monday Nov. 9th.
- Homework #7 - Not collected.
Posted here for review purposes only.
- Labs:
- Lecture Notes
- Lecture 1- Uncertainties, waves.
- Lecture 2 - Reflection and
refraction, propagation of angular errors, linear
least-squares fitting.
- Lecture 3 - Imaging, Principle
Ray Diagrams, Converging & Diverging Lenses, Thin Lens
- Lecture 4 - Imaging recap,
Gaussian beams, beam expander
- Lecture 5 - Polarizers, Malus'
Law, s-wave and p-wave light, Brewster's angle.
- Lecture 6 - Two beam
- Lecture 7 - Michelson
- Lecture 8 - Single slit
- Lecture 9 - Multiple slit
- Lecture 10 - Multiple slit
diffraction and diffraction gratings.
- Lecture 11 - Diffraction grating
and atomic sources.
- Exam Review lecture