[ Letter from the Editor ]
From the Editor

By Karrie Sue Hawbaker, Editor

Dear Readers,

Welcome to another isue of The Photon! We have lots to share in this issue. Don't miss Dr. Yakovenko's article on his current research in the exciting new field of econophysics (which was also featured in the Australian Financial Review) and alumnus Dr. Rajat S. Basu's article about his work as a Senior Principal Scientist for Honeywell International. The MRSEC continues its great outreach work with a science fair for Homeschool students and a workshop on rollercoasters for area high school students. And, on a more personal note, we have several new babies (including a set of twins!) born to the Physics family.

Also, I want to remind you of Maryland Day coming up on April 26th. This is a day of learning, exploration and fun for the whole community. The entire campus will be buzzing and here in the Physics Depatment we have activities planned for everyone in the family -- from cotton candy and hot dogs to make-your-own silly putty to a pitching contest to Professor Jacobson's talk about Black Holes. So, bring your family and friends and let us show you how fun education can be!

Best regards,

Karrie Sue Hawbaker

Tel: 301.405.3401
1117 Physics Bldg.
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
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