University of Maryland Department of Physics 1117 John S. Toll Physics Building College Park , MD 20742
xxxxNovember 2006 - Issue 51
Printer Friendly Version Issue 51

Arthur Laporta wrote this month's Research Spotlight regarding his research on real world nano-bots with optical tweezers.
Physics Phun Phacts:
Old issues of The Photon (previously called PHAST Facts) were found in the Physics storage room, dating back to 1979. To show how times have changed, take a look at the November 1982 edition, where they featured the design for the physics t-shirt (only $5.50 per shirt). We loved this design, created by Jeanette Adams, so much, we're bringing it back! Send us your Physics Phun Phacts to moulding@umd.edu. If your submission is chosen for the next issue, you will win a physics t-shirt with the 1979 logo!!
Alumnus Philip Land attributes the success of his undergraduate education to the guidance he received from Physics faculty, staff and students. Read all about his educational journey in this month's Alumni Spotlight.
John C. Mather, Adjunct Professor, was awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics. To read more, visit the News section for more information on his upcoming public lecture, visit the Up Next section.
Michael Fisher spent a week in Beijing, from September 23-October 2, at a Bio-Systems Summer School. He delivered a course of three lectures on "Motor Proteins: Single molecular transport, observations and theory." Visit the Recent Events section for more information about past events.
An article co-written by James Drake, appears in the October 6, 2006 edition of Nature magazine. To view the article or to read about other faculty in the news, visit the News section.
Elizabeth Lockner wrote this month's Graduate Blog about the dreaded, "what do you do?" question. Elizabeth Lockner was the recent recipient of the Ruth Davis Fellowship.
The November Colloquium Speakers include Leo Kadanoff (University of Chicago), John Thomas (Duke University), Negris Malvala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Douglas Hamilton (University of Maryland) and David Spergel (Duke University). To view other upcoming events, visit the Up Next Section.