Letter from the Editor
Monthly comments from the editor.

This month: ... Welcome to another issue of The Photon! We have much good news this month, but I want to take a moment to highlight one item of which I'm especially proud. Earlier this week, as part of the World Year of Physics, the Department hosted “A Nobel Conversation,” in which Nobel Laureates Leon Lederman and William Phillips shared their views on current topics in physics as well as some personal anecdotes with this year's finalists for the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search ...(Read more)

Karrie Hawbaker

Letter from the Chair
Monthly comments from the department chair.

This month: ......Earlier this month, the Department of Physics was pleased to host an external review committee, so that they may evaluate our department and provide us with recommendations regarding how we should improve and/or move forward in the future. .(Read more)

Dr. Jordan Goodman
Department Chair


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