Educational Accomplishments

One of the major goals of the Dynamical Systems and Accelerator Theory Group is the education of students and postdoctoral research associates, and fostering the research of visiting scientists. Listed below are past students associated with the program, and past visiting faculty, scientists, and postdoctoral research associates.

Past Graduate Students

Thesis: Lie Algebraic Methods for Particle Accelerator Theory.
Employment: Previously employed by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  Currently employed by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (CEBAF).

Thesis: Lie Algebraic Methods for Charged Particle Beams and Light Optics.
Employment: Previously employed by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Currently employed by the KEK High Energy Physics Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan and an Associate Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Kanagawa, Japan.

Thesis work done in Elementary Particle Theory while simultaneously receiving training in Accelerator Theory.
Employment: Previously employed by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Presently employed on Wall Street.

Thesis: Lie Algebraic Methods for Treating Lattice Parameter Errors in Particle Accelerators.
Employment: Previously at CERN. Currently with Celestial Mechanics Group at the Naval Research Laboratory.

Thesis: Lie Algebraic Treatment of Space Charge.
Employment: Previously employed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  Presently employed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Worked one year at Maryland on Lie algebraic methods and Poisson solvers while simultaneously completing her Ph.D. thesis work on Wake-Field Acceleration under Thomas Weiland at DESY.
Employment: Presently with the Theoretische Elektrotechnik Group at the Darmstadt Technische Hochschule.

Thesis: Invariants for Symplectic Maps and Symplectic Completion of Symplectic Jets.
Employment: Previously at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Now Chairman of the Mathematics Faculty, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

Thesis: Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance.
Employment: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (CEBAF).

Spent two years as a Graduate Research Assistant working on the penetration of electromagnetic fields through circular holes in a thick metallic wall. Also carried out symbolic manipulation program calculations for various complicated beamline elements such as combined-function quadrupoles and combined-function bends. In addition, responsible for general computational support. Now working at Adroit Systems, Alexandria, VA.

Thesis: Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Thin Iris Collimator.
Employment: Subsequently a graduate student with support in Physics at Cal Tech.

Thesis: Analytic Properties and Cremona Approximation of Transfer Maps for Hamiltonian Systems.
Employment: Previously a Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Maryland.  Subsequently employed by Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Now employed by Tech-X Corporation.

Thesis: Beam Dynamics of the Alternating Phase Focusing Linac and Frequency Dependence of the Penetration of Electromagnetic Fields Through a Small Coupling Hole in a Thick Wall.
Employment: Previously employed by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Now with Intel, Inc.

Thesis: An Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Coupling Impedance of Irises in a Beam Pipe.
Employment: Cable & Wireless, Inc.

Thesis: Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Hole in an Accelerator Beam Pipe at Finite Frequencies.
Employment: Previously Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Maryland.  Presently employed by Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Thesis: Lie Methods, Exact Map Computation, and the Problem of Dispersion in Space Charge Dominated Beams.
Employment: Previously Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Maryland.  Subsequently employed by Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.  Now employed by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

Scholarly Paper: Computation of Interior Vector Potential from Magnetic Field Boundary Values.
Employment: Solipsys Corporation

Scholarly Paper: Computing Transfer Maps from Magnetic Field Boundary Values.

Now carrying out nanoscience thesis research in the Maryland Materials Research Science and Engineering Center.

Scholarly Paper: Numerical Study of the Vlasov Equation in Spherical Coordinates.

Thesis: Calculation of Realistic Charged-Particle Transfer Maps.
Employment: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Maryland.


Other Students

Spent one year working on the development of a computer program to calculate dispersion curves for azimuthally symmetric modes in an azimuthally symmetric periodic chain of coupled cavities. Now has earned Ph.D. in Plasma Physics.

Spent 1 1/2 years working as a Graduate Research Assistant on Alternating Phase Focussing. Now has earned Ph.D. in a group working on chaos.

Spent one year exploring possible further work on the use of Lie algebraic methods in the treatment of space charge. Also responsible for general computational support. Now has earned Ph.D. in High Energy Astrophysics.

Spent one year working on the calculation of the impedance of a thick iris.  Also did programming for MaryLie and provided general computational support.  Subsequently worked toward a Ph.D. degree with space physics group.

Undergraduate student and National Merit Scholar.  Responsible for general computational support.  Has since earned the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the State University of New York (Stony Brook) and is now employed by SAIC..

Undergraduate Computer Science Student.  Wrote Computer Science Senior Honors Thesis on "Optimization of Multivariable Truncated Power Series Multiplication Routines." Subsequently a graduate student in Computer Science.


Department Fellow and second year graduate student.  Worked on optimized Truncated Power Series Algebra algorithms and on properties of the Symplectic Group.  Currently working with General Relativity Group.


Third year graduate student.  Worked on factorization of general maps.  Currently completing Ph.D. thesis research in Quantum Computing.


Undergraduate Physics Honors student.  Learned general Dynamical Systems and Accelerator Physics theory and provided programming support.


First year graduate student. Worked on the program PREP. Currently interested in Plasma Physics and Fusion.


Second-year graduate student. Supported half by Department Fellowship and half by DSAT Graduate Research Assistantship. Developed Mathematica programs for determining factored Lie product concatenation formulas (for origin preserving maps) to arbitrary order. Currently carrying out Ph.D. thesis research in the Physics of Finance.


First- and Second-year graduate student. Supported half by Department Fellowship and half by DSAT Graduate Research Assistantship. Worked on factorizing general maps and the one-turn map for the PEP II B-Factory including synchrotron radiation damping, and on the computation of Taylor maps for dissipative systems. Currently a Teaching Assistant.


Visiting Faculty

Dr. Herbert O. Moser was a Visiting Scientist, supported by the German Government, during the year 1985. During that time he worked on applying Lie methods to dipoles with fringe fields. He is currently Director of the Singapore Synchrotron Light Source at the National University of Singapore.  

Dr. Hiromi Okamoto was a Visiting Scientist, partially supported by the Japanese Government, during the years 1989-1990 and 1992-1993. During that time he worked on impedance and beam stability problems. He is currently at the Nuclear Science Laboratory, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto, Japan.  

Dr. Iliya M. Kapchinsky was a Visiting Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering from February 1, 1993 to April 30, 1993. During his visit he interacted with graduate students and many colleagues (both from Maryland and nearby Government Laboratories) who took advantage of his vast expertise in many aspects of accelerator theory. In addition, he presented about 10 lectures on the theory of linear accelerators. Unfortunately Dr. Kapchinsky died May 2, 1993, before he was able to return to Russia. In recognition of the widespread interest in his achievements and perspectives on these subjects, and as a service to the Accelerator Science Community, his lecture notes have been assembled and have been issued and broadly circulated as a Los Alamos Report.

Dr. Richard K. Cooper was a Visiting Professor of Physics from August 28, 1994 to December 24, 1994. During his visit he worked with several of our graduate students and postdoctoral research associates on their research and also on a new method of measuring the transverse beam position in a beam pipe.

Dr. Bruno Zotter of CERN was a visiting Professor of Physics during July 1999.  During this visit he collaborated with Dr. Gluckstern on shielding of coupling impedance by thin conducting layers around an intense beam.  He also interacted with graduate students and post-docs in our Dynamical Systems and Accelerator Theory Group, as well as with Dr. Reiser's group in Electrical Engineering.  As a result of this visit, Drs. Zotter and Gluckstern are continuing their collaboration, which is expected to result in a major publication on shielding of intense beams by a thin conducting layer, or thin conducting stripes.  Dr. Zotter was again a visiting Professor of Physics during July 2001.  During this visit, he and Dr. Gluckstern worked on the impedance of a cylindrical ferrite ring, a configuration under consideration at Brookhaven National Laboratory by Drs. Y.Y. Lee and M. Blaskiewicz.

Dr. Zotter also visited UMCP as a Visiting Professor of Physics during the periods 5/3-6/2/2002, 9/12-10/12/2003 and 5/15-6/13/2004.  During these visits he and Dr. Gluckstern worked on the longitudinal and transverse impedance of a dielectric tube partially covered by a conducting layer, a configuration of interest to the LHC at CERN.

Dr. Tugrul Hakioglu was a visiting Associate Professor of Physics in spring 2001 while on sabbatical leave from Bilkent University in Turkey.  He and Dr. Dragt collaborated on work at the boundary between classical and quantum mechanics by developing a Moyal-Lie theory of operators.  It is expected that this work will facilitate the passage between ray and wave optics in the case of light optics, and classical and quasiclassical behavior in the case of quantum systems.

Past Ph.D. Professional Staff

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Presently at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, supported by Spanish Government. Presently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Oxford University.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Presently employed on Wall Street.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Presently at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and SSC Fellow. Subsequently at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Presently employed on Wall Street

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Presently employed at Skystation.

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, supported by Spanish Government.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Now at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Subsequently at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Presently at Tech-X Corporation.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Now at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Postdoctoral Research Associate.  Subsequently at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Presently at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Postdoctoral Research Associate.  Now an Assistant Professor at American University.

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