Notes on Radioactive Materials

Radiation Safety Instructions and Procedures

The following instructions and procedures are promulgated to insure the safety of personnel from radiation hazards. These instructions apply to all persons who work with radioactive materials or radiation producing devices in areas of the teaching laborat ories and to those who enter these areas. They are in compliance with applicable laws and University safety regulations.
  1. Signs, "CAUTION-RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS", are posted on all doors to rooms or areas in which radioactive material or devices are stored or used. These areas are referred to as Radiation Hazard Control Areas.
  2. Radiation Detection Film Badges must be worn at all times by all personnel in areas with radioactive materials or devices where radiation exposure is possible.
  3. Professors, Teaching Assistants and Staff must check that the film badges are worn by all persons.
  4. Each person must request and be issued his or her own badge by the Graduate Laboratory Coordinator. When not in use, the film badges must be stored by users in the designated ca binet, in Room PHY-3333, with control and monitoring badges.
  5. The laboratory complex is equipped with survey meters capable of detecting the isotopes in use. These instruments are used to monitor operations involving radioactive materials.
  6. Wipe tests of radioactive sources are made routinely by the Radiation Safety Officer.
  7. Lead or other suitable shielding must be used when radioactive sources are used in experiments.
  8. When not in use, radioactive sources must not be left on tables and benches, but rather must be locked in the Radiation Materials cabinet in room PHY-3323.
  9. The X-ray equipment in room PHY-2315 (the Condensed Matter Group's X-ray facilities) will be operated only by competent persons who are trained in its safe use.
  10. Use protective gloves if there is any possibility of radioactive contamination of the hands.
  11. Use protective glasses if there is any possibility of radioactive contamination of the eyes.
  12. Remote handling tools, such as forceps, tongs, and pipettes should be used as necessary to minimize personnel exposure.
  13. No food, drink, or smoking is permitted in the laboratories.
  14. In case of an emergency or a radiation exposure incident, call the Radiation Safety Office, X-53988, or the University Emergency number, X-53333.

Radioactive Materials Inventory

atom Radioactive Sources atom

Inventory Valid as of 1/18/2001
Isotope Activity in µCi Date Calibrated ID# T ½ Form Radiation Type
11Na 22 8.7 12/01/00  48-7  2.602y Rod
24 Mn54 9.0 12/01/00  48-6  312.2d Rod , X-ray
26 Fe55 90.6 10/86 181-22 2.685y Disc X-ray, EC
27 Co57 9.6 12/01/00  48-3 271.65d Rod , EC
27 Co57 5000.0 10/94 466-75 271.65d On Pd , EC
27 Co57 10000.0 4/27/2000 716-33 271.65d In Rh Matrix
5mm dia.
, EC
27 Co60 10.3 12/01/00  48-4  5.271y Rod
27 Co60 5000.0 12/15/1997 LL-853 5.271y SS
48 Cd109 10.4 12/01/00  48-2  453d Rod , X-ray
55 Cs137 10.1 12/01/00  48-5  30.174y Rod
55 Cs137 1000.0 11/67 708 30.174y SS
55 Cs137 30000.0 1/96 FF-291 30.174y SS
56 Ba133 10.9 12/01/00  48-1  10.66y Rod
90 Th228 18.2 3/69 F-6 1.9131y Disc
90 Th228 77.1 9/82   1.9131y Rod
94 Pu239(Be) 2.0 × 106 7/66 F-5 2.41 × 104y SS neutron
95 Am241 500.0 6/95 DD-716 432y On Ti

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