1978-1986 • 1987-19921993-19961997-2009

1. "A Determination of Adatom-Adatom Interaction Energies: Application to Oxygen Chemisorbed on the Tungsten (110) Surface," J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 15, 417 (1978); J. Chem. Phys. 68, 4688 (1978), (E.D. Williams, S. L. Cunningham and W.H. Weinberg).

2. "A Structural Determination of the Unreconstructed and the Reconstructed (110) Surfaces of Iridium," J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 16, 642 (1979), (C.-M. Chan, K.L. Luke, M.A. Van Hove, E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

3. "The Geometric Structure of Carbon Monoxide Chemisorbed on the Ruthenium (001) Surface at Low Temperatures," Surface Sci. 82, 93 (1979), (E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

4. "Structural Study of the Reconstructed Ir(110)-(1x2) Surface by Low Energy Electron Diffraction," Solid State Commun. 30, 47 (1979), (C.-M. Chan, M.A. Van Hove, W.H. Weinberg and E.D. Williams).

5. "The Adsorption of Sulfur on the Reconstructed Ir(110)-(1x2) Surface," Surface Sci. 81, L309 (1979), (E.D. Williams, C.-M. Chan and W.H. Weinberg).

6. "Debye Temperatures of the (110) and (111) Surfaces of Iridium Determined by LEED," Surface Sci. 82, L577 (1979), (C.-M. Chan, E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

7. "The Chemisorption of CO on Rh(111)," Surface Sci. 84, 54 (1979), (P.A. Thiel, E.D. Williams, J.T. Yates and W.H. Weinberg).

8. "An R-Factor Analysis of Several Models of the Reconstructed Ir(110)-(1x2) Surface," Surface Sci. 91, 440 (1979), (C.M. Chan, M.A. Van Hove, W.H. Weinberg and E.D. Williams).

9. "Does Chemisorbed Carbon Monoxide Dissociate on Rhodium?" Surface Sci. 91, 562 (1980), (J.T. Yates, E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

10. "Segregation of Co-absorbed Species: Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide on the Rh(111) Surface," Chem. Phys. 72, 3496 (1980), AIP Conference Proceedings: Aspects of the Kinetics and Dynamics of Surface Reactions, ed. Uzi Landman, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1980, p. 275 (E.D. Williams, W.H. Weinberg, and J.T. Yates).

11. "Computations of Profiles of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Beams for Arrays of Ordered Islands," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Solid Surfaces, p. 311 (1980); Surface Sci. 109, 574 (1984), (E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

12. "CO on Ru(001), Island Size and Disordering," J. Chem. Phys. 76, 1150 (1982), J. Vacuum Sci. and Technol. 20, 534 (1982), (E.D. Williams, W.H. Weinberg, and A. C. Sobrero).

13.  "Reply to Comments on ‘Does Chemisorbed Carbon Monoxide Dissociate on Rhodium?’" Surface Sci. 115, L93 (1982), (J.T. Yates, E.D. Williams and W.H. Weinberg).

14. "A Model for the Saturated Water Bilayer on Ru(001) Based on a Comparison of Experimental and Calculated LEED Patterns," J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A1, 1188 (1983), (E.D. Williams and D.L. Doering).

15. "Relationship between Many-Parameter Lattice Gas Systems and Simpler Models: Easy Approximations for Tc," J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A2, 1188 (1984), (N. C. Bartelt, T.L. Einstein and E.D. Williams).

16. "Electron Energy Loss Study of the Epitaxial Growth of Cu on W(110)," Surface Sci. 148, 453 (1984), (J. Vahakangas, H. Iwasaki, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).

17. "Precursor Adsorption of CO on Ni(111) near 5 K and the Activation Energy for Chemisorption," Surface Sci. 154, L239 (1985), (M. Shayegan, E.D. Williams, R.E. Glover III and R.L. Park).

18. "Two-dimensional Ordering of Chlorine on Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 32, 4653 (1985); J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. A2, 895 (1984), (D.L. Taylor, E.D. Williams, N.C. Bartelt, R.L. Park and T.L. Einstein).

19. "Surface Extended Electron Loss Fine Structure: Dependence on Incident Electron Energy and Collection Solid Angle," Surface Sci. 160, 75 (1985), (Y.U. Idzerda, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).

20. "On the Detailed Growth Mode of Thin Silver Films on Si(111)," Surface Sci. 172, 433 (1986), (Q.-G. Zhu, A.-D. Zhang, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).

21. "Growth and Alloying of Ti on Cu(111)," Phys. Rev. B 33, 2281 (1986), (J. Vahakangas, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).

22. "The initial growth of Ti on Si," Phys. Rev. B 33, 8716 (1986), (J. Vahakangas, Y.D. Idzerda, E.D.Williams and R.L. Park).

23. "Formation of Iron Silicide Thin Films," J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2629 (1986), (Q.-G. Zhu, H. Iwasaki, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).

24. "Initial Formation of Titanium Silicide," Surface Science 177, L1028 (1986), (Y.U. Idzerda, J. Vahakangas, E.D. Williams and R.L. Park).
