PI Problems for the Physics Suite

Edward F. Redish

Peer Instruction Problems:
Heat & Temperature

Problem Name Comments Source Demo (UMd)
H&T1. Mixing Temperatures 1 Mixing two equal quantities of water at different temperatures. EFR Easily done.
H&T2. Mixing Temperatures 2 Mixing two unequal quantities of water at different temperatures. EFR Easily done.
H&T3. Mixing Temperatures 3 Mixing two equal masses of different substances at different temperatures. Students who easily got the first two in this sequence will have trouble with this one. Should you compare equal masses? Equal volumes? Some will say each. Few will get the idea that different kinds of substances translate heat energy into temperature in their own different ways. EFR Easily done, but be prepared to be able to test equal volumes as well as equal masses.
H&T4. Mixing Temperatures 4 This one is also confusing for students. The idea that heat energy can enter a substance and not change its temperature is a surprise. No prepared answers. Takes a calculation (give them 5 minutes, not just 2) and answers need to be drawn from the class. EFR  
H&T5. Sliding to a Stop A practice calculation for the conversion of mechanical into thermal energy via friction. Many useful discussion points. Takes a calculation (give them 5 minutes, not just 2) and answers need to be drawn from the class. EFR  

Work supported in part by a grant from the US National Science Foundation. 

Maintained by Edward F. Redish
Comments and questions may be directed to redish@umd.edu

Page last modified July 4, 2004