Notes on Using Sun DiskSuite on Glued Solaris Machines

Notes on Using Sun DiskSuite package on Glued Sun Machines

Disksuite is a standard Sun software based RAID package available on Glued Solaris boxes. The following are some notes on using the Sun DiskSuite package on a Glued Solaris systems, including some general concepts, departmental/Glue conventions/polices, and some specifics regarding database replica administration and specific cases (e.g. mirroring a pair of internal systems disks (mirroring /, /usr, swap, et al)).

The data in these pages is based on experiences mirroring a pair of internal system disks on Sun Enterprise 220R, SunFire 280R, and SunFire V440 systems, running Solaris 2.7 through 2.9.


Prelimary Steps and Considerations

There are some preliminary notes and comments about the Disksuite package which is relevant to its use on Glue, as follows.

After the above, you should be at the "normal" beginning point for using DiskSuite. The procedure from here will vary greatly depending on what is desired. Additional information on metadb DB replica management is available, as are pages detailing the following typical metadisk configurations:

Useful Disksuite References

In addition, the purpose of mirroring the system drives is to ensure that the system stays up, so it is useful to be cognizant of the recovery procedure should a disk fail. In particular, there are some small tricks involved when one of a set of mirrored system disks fails. Also, familiarity with the recovery procedure may affect choices made during the initial setup, and recovery can be made easier by proper documentation during the setup. The following references may be of use:

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