CNAM Condensed Matter Colloquium

Department of Physics, University of Maryland 
College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA

Fall 2010 Schedule

Spring 2011 schedule here

Unless otherwise noted, talks are:
Thursdays,  from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Room 1201, Physics Building

(Refreshments are served at 1:30pm in Room 1305F - behind the Computer Help Desk room)

Underlined titles of the talks link to abstracts
Underlined names of the speakers link to their personal Web pages

Speaker / Affiliation
Title / Abstract
Sept. 9

Igor Mazin, Naval Research Laboratory

Experimental and computational evidence for the $s_\pm$ pairing symmetry in Fe-based superconductors

Johnpierre Paglione

Sept. 16

Hui Zhao, University of Kansas

Nonlinear optics with ballistic charge and spin currents in semiconductors

Ian Appelbaum

Sept. 23

HongWen Jiang, UC Los Angeles Department of Physics

Measurement and Control of Individual Electron Spins in Few-Electron Silicon Quantum Dots

Ian Appelbaum

Sept. 30

Harvey Moseley, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

µ-Spec – A New Tool for Probing the Early Universe

Gus Vlahacos

Oct. 7

Jason Jeffries, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Time-dependent Stability in d-Plutonium: thermodynamic and irradiation-induced phenomena

Nicholas Butch

Oct. 14

Filip Ronning, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Exploiting common building blocks to discover and understand unconventional superconductors.

Johnpierre Paglione

Oct. 21

Hanan Dery, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Rochester

Ian Appelbaum

Oct. 28

Branislav Nikolic, University of Delaware

Spin pumping in magnetic tunnel junctions and topological insulators: Theory and experiments

Ian Appelbaum

Nov. 4

Stephen Julian, University of Toronto

Johnpierre Paglione

Nov. 11

Andrea Damascelli, University of British Columbia

Loss of nodal quasiparticle integrity in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x

Johnpierre Paglione

Nov. 18

Luis Balicas,NHMFL - Florida State University

Richard Greene

Nov. 25


-- Thanksgiving --

Dec. 2

Peter Hirschfeld, Department of Physics,
University of Florida

Led by the nodes: forging an understanding of Fe-based superconductors

Steven Anlage

Dec. 9

Ryan Gordon, Iowa State University and Ames National Laboratory

Richard Greene

please see the Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule Archive for schedules of past semesters

For more information on Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, please contact Victor Galitski or Johnpierre Paglione , the seminar schedule coordinator.
Last updated Thursday, 30 June 2011