Condensed Matter Physics Seminar (PHYS 738/739)
Department of Physics, University of Maryland 
College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA

Fall 2005 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, talks are:
Thursdays,  from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Room 1201, Physics Building

Underlined titles of the talks link to abstracts
Underlined names of the speakers link to their personal Web pages

Special Condensed Matter Seminar
10:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 9,  Rm. 1201 Physics

John Saunders (University of London)
Quantum Phase Transitions in Two Dimensional 3He
Host: Yakovenko

September 1

        Meeting of Condensed Matter Faculty to discuss seminar speakers for 2005-2006

September 8

        Namas Chandra (Florida State University)
        Role of nanoscale interfaces on the physical and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes
        Host: Vanderlinde/Williams/Fuhrer

September 15 - No Seminar This Week

September 22

        Kevin Eng (Laboratory for Physical Sciences and Dept. of Physics, University of Maryland)
        Building the Perfect 2D Electron System in Silicon
        Host: Kane

September 29

        Gregory A. Fiete (KITP, UC Santa Barbara)
        Spin incoherent effects in momentum resolved tunneling and transport in Luttinger liquids
Host: Yakovenko

October 6 - No Seminar This Week

October 13

        John Cumings (University of Maryland)
        Seeing Nanosystems
Host: Fuhrer

October 20

        Wayne Witzel (University of Maryland)
        Quantum theory of decoherence in solid state spin quantum computers
Host: Das Sarma

October 27

November 3

        Andrew Millis (Columbia University)
        Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors
Host: Greene

November 10

        Igor Mazin (Naval Research Laboratory)
        Comparative analysis of the pairing symmetries in Sr2RuO4 and NaxCoO2
Host: Yakovenko

Special Condensed Matter Seminar: November 14
3 p.m., MRSEC Conference Room, 2202 Physics Building

        Luis E. Hueso (University of Cambridge, UK)
        Half-Metallic Manganites, Magnetic Domain Walls, and Carbon Nanotubes
Host: Das Sarma, Calderon

November 17

        Ulrike Diebold (Tulane University - at Rutgers University this semester)
        Surface Investigations of Pure and Doped Transition Metal Oxides
Host: Einstein

November 24 - No Seminar (Thanksgiving)

December 1

        Yaroslav Tserkovnyak (Harvard University)
        Shaking ferromagnets with electric fields: instabilities, dissipation, and noise
Host: Yakovenko

December 8

        Victor Galitski (University of Virginia)
        Vortex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Superconducting Films
Host: Yakovenko

please see the Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule Archive for schedules of past semesters

For more information on Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, please contact Michael Fuhrer the seminar schedule coordinator.
Last updated Monday, 24 July 2006