Condensed Matter Physics Seminar (PHYS 738/739)
Department of Physics, University of Maryland 
College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA

Fall 2004 Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, talks are:
Thursdays,  from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Room 1201, Physics Building

Underlined titles of the talks link to abstracts
Underlined names of the speakers link to their personal Web pages

September 2 - No seminar

September 9

    Speaker: Michael Fuhrer (UMCP)
Conductance in One Dimension: Nanotubes and Molecules

September 16 - No seminar

    Meeting of Condensed Matter faculty in CSR Conference Rm., 2 P.M..

September 23

    Speaker: Fred Wellstood (UMCP)
    1,2,3 Superconducting Qubits

September 28 - Department Colloquium - 4PM in Rm. 1410 Physics

    Speaker: Sang-Wook Cheong (Rutgers University)
    Multiferroics: Multifunctional Materials with Magnetic and Ferroelectric Order
    Host: Greene

September 30 - No Seminar

October 7

    Speaker: Andrey Chubukov (UMCP)
    Neutron Peak in the Cuprates - The Never-Ending Story

October 14

    Speaker: Philip Phillips (UIUC)
    Bose Metal
    Host: Lobb

October 21

    Speaker: Mike Norman (Argonne National Laboratory)
    Why Can't We Solve the Problem of High Temperature Superconductivity?
    Host: Chubukov

October 26 - Tuesday, 2:45 PM - Special Condensed Matter Seminar - MRSEC Conference Room (2120 Physics)

    Speaker: Subir Sachdev (Yale University)
    Quantum Vortices and Competing Orders
    Host: Chubukov

October 28

    Speaker: Sanjay V. Khare (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, Ohio)
    Some examples in theory and computation in nano-science
    Host: Einstein

November 4 - No Condensed Matter Seminar.  We suggest instead:

    Keynote Address: Bioscience Research and Technology Review Day
    1:30-2:30 PM, Hoff Auditorium, Stamp Union
    Speaker: Leon N. Cooper (Nobel Laureate, Departments of Physics and Neuroscience, Brown University)
    Theoretical Neuroscience: Is it possible? Can it be useful?

November 11

    Speaker: Tim Halpin-Healy (Columbia University)
    The Dynamics of Conformity & Dissent
    Host: Einstein

November 18

    Speaker: Christina Bena (UCLA)
    Spin transport in one dimensional systems
    Host: Das Sarma

November 25 - No Seminar: Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2

    Speaker: Belita Koiller (Instituto de Fisica UFRJ, Brazil)
    Silicon-based spin and charge quantum computation
    Host: Bruce Kane

December 9

    Speaker: Doug Natelson (Rice University)
    Single molecule transistors: Transport, Kondo physics and inelastic processes
    Host: Fuhrer

please see the Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule Archive for schedules of past semesters

For more information on Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, please contact Michael Fuhrer the seminar schedule coordinator.
Last updated Monday, 24 July 2006