Condensed Matter Physics Seminar  (PHYS 738/739) 
Department of Physics, University of Maryland 
College Park, Maryland 20742-4111, USA

Fall 1999 Schedule

Thursdays,  from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Room 1130, Plant Sciences Building 
(across Regents Drive from the Physics Building)

Underlined titles of the talks link to abstracts 

September 2
Leonid Levitov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Tunneling into a compressible quantum Hall state edge
Host: Victor Yakovenko
September 9
Organizational meeting.  Faculty members are asked to attend
Wednesday, September 15, 4 pm, room 1219, Physics Building
Cancelled because of Hurricane Floyd
Daniel Loss (Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland)
Quantum Computing and Quantum Communication with Electrons in Quantum Dots
Host: Xuedong Hu
September 23
Victor Yakovenko (University of Maryland)
Statistical Mechanics of Money
September 30
Shmuel Fishman (Technion, Israel)
Localization in Optics: Theory and Experiment
Host: Richard Prange
October 7
Patrick Fournier (Center for Superconductivity Research, University of Maryland)
Current Research Issues for the Electron-Doped Cuprates
October 14
Ruslan Prozorov (Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Pairing Symmetry from Penetration Depth Studies down to 0.4K in Organic and High-Tc Superconductors
Host: Richard Greene
October 21
Igor Mazin (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC)
Magnetism and Superconductivity in Ruthenates
Host: Victor Yakovenko
October 28
Myriam Sarachik (City College of New York)
Novel Phenomena in Dilute Electron Systems in Two Dimensions
Host: Sankar Das Sarma
November 4
Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland)
The So-Called 2D Metal-Insulator Transition: An Old Story in a New Hat?
November 11
Eugene Demler (Harvard University)
Superconductivity in thin wires
Host: Sankar Das Sarma
Tuesday, November 16, 5 pm, room 1219, Physics Building
Special condensed matter physics seminar
Daniel Tsui (Princeton University)
Even denominator fractions in higher Landau levels
Host: Dennis Drew
November 18
Matt Grayson (University of Maryland)
Charge transport in the CuO2 planes of high temperature superconductors: An experimental review
Friday, November 19, 11 am, room 0405, Physics Building
Note special time and place
N. P. Ong (Princeton University)
Large enhancement of weak-field thermal Hall conductivity in YBCO
Host: Dennis Drew
November 25
No seminar: Thanksgiving Day
December 2
A. J. Millis (Department of Physics, Rutgers University)
Quasiparticles and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in High-Temperature Superconductors
Host: Dennis Drew
December 9
Peter Johnson (Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
High Resolution Photoemission Studies of Optimally Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d: Nodal Quasiparticles or No Quasiparticles?
Host: Dennis Drew
Monday, December 13,  4 pm, room 2120, Physics Building
Special seminar in surface science/condensed matter physics
Navot Israeli (Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Continuum modeling of facet evolution
Host: Ted Einstein
December 16
Sabyasachi (Sobo) Bhattacharya (Nippon Electric CompanyResearch Institute, Princeton and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay)
Glassy vortex matter:  What is "glassy" about them?
Host: Amit Chattopadhyay

please see the Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule Archive for schedules of past semesters

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