PNCE User Docs: Forwarding Email with Full Headers

PNCE User Documentation: Email

Forwarding email to PCS with Full Headers

While PCS is pleased to provide the department with an email service which for the most part "just works", there are occasional glitches. Sometimes on our end, sometimes on the other end, sometimes in multiple places. PCS will try to assist with resolving these issues when they arise and are brought to our attention. Often, half the battle is just figuring out what is going on, and this can be particularly challenging with spam and virus laden emails which frequently are involved in such problems and which try to obfuscate what is happening.

If there is a problem with a message you have received, we can often gleen much information from the actual email. There is actually a fair bit of tracking information attached to each email message, most of which is not shown by default. It is generally helpful if you can forward that email with the full headers to PCS. Here are some tips for that:

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