A New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics
E.F. Redish, R.N. Steinberg, M.C. Wittmann

Home | Overview | How Students Learn | Classroom materials | Teacher's Guide


Course Survey

Thank you for your interest in the New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics. We appreciate your willingness to complete the survey below. It should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes. To submit your responses, your web browser must be able to submit email. For those unable to do so, click here.

Background about your involvement with the New Model Course

How did you first hear about the New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics? If you choose "other" in the list below, please give more details in the textbox below.

  • Please elaborate:

Has the New Model Course influenced the way you (or a colleague) has taught a related course?

Have you discussed the New Model Course with any of your colleagues?

  •   Please elaborate in the space below:

The following information is for our benefit only. We will not share this information, and will only include you in our Quantum Teaching mailing list if you leave the checkbox marked.

  • Name:
  • Email address:
  • School:
  • Would you like to be part of a quantum teaching email list?


Use of materials

These questions let us know how you have used the materials since receiving them. Please elaborate on your answers in the text box at the end of this section.

If you have used the materials in the New Model Course, please give us the following information.

  • Name of course(s) in which materials were used:
  • Level of instruction:
  • Since obtaining the CD, how many times have you taught the course(s)?
  • How many students (total) have you taught using these materials:
  • Number of underrepresented (minorities, non-traditional, female, etc.) students in the class:

Please indicate which of the materials in the New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics you have used in your classroom. Check all that apply in the list below:

  • tutorials
  • essay questions
  • conceptual examination questions
  • applied homework problems
  • software (please indicate which programs or packages you have used)
    • Photoelectric Tutor
    • physlets
    • MUPPET programs
    • Visual Quantum Mechanics
    • spreadsheet physics documents

If you have additional comments about the classroom materials that you would like to add, please give these in the space below:

Use of research results

Included in the New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics are research results from investigations into student understanding and learning of quantum physics.

Have the research results influenced the way you teach in the classroom?

If you have additional comments about your use of the research results, please give these in the space below:

Use of teacher's guide

The New Model Course in Applied Quantum Physics contains information about the modified teaching environment used in the course.

Has the teacher's guide influenced the way you teach in the classroom?

If you have additional comments about your use of the teacher's guide, please give these in the space below:

Additional comments

This brief survey may not have included the questions or opportunity for feedback that you desire. In the space below, please add any additional comments that you might have:

Thank you for answering these questions.




Last modified 2k1 Jun 21