Mr. Randy Holder

· Randy Holder , an engineering technician in the Physics Department's Mechanical Development Group, recently became a Certified Welder using the Gas Tungsten Arc welding process using stainless steel, aluminum, and steel. He is currently continuing his training to become certifying in structural welding. Congratulations Mr. Holder!

Dr. Belita Koiller

· Congratulations to Dr. Belita Koiller , visiting professor in the Condensed Matter Theory Center and professor of physics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro! This year, she received a 2005 L'oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science “ For her innovative theoretical research on electrons in disordered materials such as glass.” Dr. Koiller received her award at a ceremony held in Paris on Thursday, March 3, 2005

For more information, please click here.

· Professor Luis Orozco has been elected fellow of the United Kingdom 's Institute of Physics, a leading international professional body and learned society, established to promote the advancement and dissemination of physics. He has also been elected to the executive committee of the Division of Laser Science of the American Physical Society for a term from 2005-2008. Congratulations Dr. Orozco!
· Congratulations to Andrew Parker , an undergraduate student majoring in physics and civil engineering. He has been awarded a Churchill Scholarship to study at Cambridge University. The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States , offers only 10 scholarships each year to outstanding American students to do graduate work in engineering, mathematics, and the sciences at Churchill College , Cambridge University. The Department is very proud of Mr. Parker for earning such an outstanding opportunity.

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