Dr. Michael Fuhrer

· Professor Michael Fuhrer's research on semiconducting carbon nanotubes, especially his recent discovery regarding their high level of mobility, was featured in the Appliance Engineer section of the May 2004 Appliance magazine.

Dr. Jordan Goodman

· Dr. Jordan Goodman, professor and chair of the Department of Physics was mentioned in the June 15th issue of Outlook for receiving the Kirwan Award for Undergraduate Education.

Dr. O.W. Greenberg

· Professor Oscar "Wally" Greenberg was featured in the Spring 2004 edition of Maryland International for his National Science Foundation-Department of Science and Technology of India exchange grant that allowed him to pursue quantum research with Indian physicists and spend a month visiting the country.

· The Physics Olympics program, a program that invites teams of high school students to the Department to compete in several physics activities, was highlighted in the Prince George's Sentinel on April 29, 2004.

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