Letter from the Editor
Monthly comments from the editor.

This month: Welcome to the October/November issue of The Photon! I hope your semester is going well. We have some very exciting items in this issue. Dr. Goodman discusses the necessity of academic freedom in his monthly chair's letter; Dr. Roos talks about the history and landscape of nuclear physics as well as what the Maryland team is currentlyresearching...(Read more)

Karrie Sue Hawbaker

Letter from the Chair
Monthly comments from the department chair.

This month: ...This month, I would like to take a moment to talk to you about the importance of academic freedom and free speech. At this time when free speech is being threatened across the nation, it is important that academia fight hard to protect it. Because, while free speech is an unalienable right for every American, it is even more than that for members of the academic community - it is our job.
(Read more)

Dr. Jordan Goodman
Department Chair



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