Dr. Gates appeared in the NOVA special about string theory "The Elegant Universe" on Tuesday October 28th and Tuesday November 4, 2003.

He was also quoted in the New York Times article "The Universe of String, Where the Cool Scientists Are" about the NOVA special.

He also answered questions on a Washington Post live chat on Wednesday October 29 about the special.

· Professor Theodore Jacobson and his collaborators Stefano Liberati and David Mattingly published "A strong astrophysical constraint on the violation of special relativity by quantum gravity" in the August 28, 2003 issue of Nature.

Also, his work on constraints on relativity violation from quantum gravity was mentioned int the News of the Week in Science on August 29, 2003.


Professor Rabindra Mohapatra's work on mirror (parallel) universe has been discussed recently in two popular science books: Strange Matters by T. Siegfried (Academic Press, 2003) and "Mirror, Mirror" by M. Pandergrast, (Basic Books, 2003).

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