Turbulence in Ionized Matter

By Professor William Dorland

The hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron. One must supply about 2 x 10**-18 Joules of energy (13.6 eV) to pull the two apart or "ionize" the hydrogen. Those who have traveled in Europe and were inclined to read a candy bar label know that a typical candy bar provides the hungry snacker about a mega-Joule, or 10**6 Joules. Evidently, one could ionize a lot of hydrogen with a single Kit-Kat! On the other hand, one can see how hard it really is to ionize matter by considering the temperature to which one would have to heat hydrogen to ionize a significant fraction
of it. One's first estimate might be that the gas has to be heated until there is approximately 13.6 eV of energy per atom -- that's about 150,000 degrees Kelvin. However, because the atoms in a gas have a distribution of energies (with a few high-energy members that are very effective at ionizing other atoms in collisions), and because the frequency of ionizing collisions depends on the density of the gas, it turns out that nearly complete ionization of a modest density hydrogen gas in thermodynamic equilibrium is obtained when the average energy per atom is only about 1 eV, corresponding to a temperature of about 10,000 K. This is still pretty hot for typical terrestrial conditions, of course.

Matter that has been ionized is called 'plasma'. Because we live on Earth, where matter is rarely heated to the point of ionization, plasma is less familiar to us than everyday condensed matter. It is, however, a very interesting state of matter to study, for fundamental reasons as well as for many applications. Because the constituent elements of a plasma carry net electric charge and can therefore interact over long distances via electromagnetic fields, plasma dynamics is a far richer area of study than ordinary fluid dynamics.
(In a fluid composed of non-ionized atoms, each atom is electrically neutral, so that interactions occur mainly only when atoms collide.) In fact, the complexity of plasma dynamics is so great that progress toward understanding and actually predicting the behavior and properties of flowing, turbulent plasma was limited until recently.

What has changed? Several decades of development of the fundamentals of plasma theory and steady experimental efforts to produce, measure and characterize plasma in the laboratory have recently been augmented by tremendous advances in supercomputer simulations. Algorithmic advances (including the development of simplified but rigorously correct nonlinear equations appropriate for specific situations) and advances in raw computational power have contributed roughly equally to advances in plasma simulation. As noted by a National Academy review in December, 2002, plasma physicists have achieved "notable advances in understanding and predicting plasma performance" in the last decade. The report continues, "Of particular note is the ongoing effort to develop a fundamental understanding of the complex turbulent processes that govern the confinement of hot plasmas in magnetic fields." Scientists at the University of Maryland have been at the forefront of this effort for many years. Recently hired Assistant Professor William Dorland is the leader of an international scientific team that is developing theory and simulations of hot, magnetized plasma turbulence, with a specific focus on collisionless dynamics.

Why might one be specifically interested in collisionless, magnetized plasma dynamics? These apparently exotic conditions arise in diverse situations. Fluctuations in the diffuse interstellar plasma which fills much of the space in our galaxy have been observed and are thought to be associated with collisionless, magnetized plasma turbulence. Dorland's research group has support from NASA and NSF to predict key signatures of these fluctuations, hopefully enabling more detailed characterizations of the interstellar matter and fields.

In a second astrophysical problem, there is a collisionless,
magnetized plasma accreting onto a supermassive, compact object near the center of our galaxy (a situation that is likely typical of so-called 'bulge galaxies'). Characteristics of the turbulence in this plasma directly affect the X-ray luminosity of this accretion flow. New X-ray satellite telescopes (the USA's Chandra and its European counterpart) are collecting observational data from this region of space -- making now an excellent time to be in the business of predicting observable features. Key mysteries that are being addressed relate mainly to the dynamical basis of so-called 'two temperature' flows.

Dr. Dorland's group is attacking both astrophysical problems with
simulation technology they developed to support the international controlled thermonuclear fusion program. Plasma turbulence is a central scientific problem in the quest for controlled thermonuclear fusion, because it is turbulence that limits the performance of existing experiments. To understand why, it is necessary to review the basics of thermonuclear fusion.

To achieve fusion, one must induce positively charged nuclei of light elements to get close enough together to allow the (attractive) strong force to take over from the (repulsive) electromagnetic force. Under such conditions, the nuclei will spontaneously fuse, releasing usable energy in the process. The fusion of almost any two nuclei that appear before iron in the periodic table will result in the release of energy -- the reaction is exothermic. (Elements beyond iron in the periodic table have exothermic _fission_ reactions.)

The electromagnetic repulsion felt by two nuclei is very strong, and is proportional to the product of the charges of the nuclei. It is easy to see, therefore, that hydrogen nuclei should be the easiest nuclei to fuse in the laboratory. In fact, it turns out that fusing 'heavy hydrogen' (specifically, the isotopes deuterium and tritium) is the easiest reaction to induce of all. In the magnetic confinement fusion program, plasma composed of heavy hydrogen is heated to approximately 250 million degrees, at which point typical collisions result in exothermic fusion reactions. This has been achieved in the laboratory -- but at a greater cost than expected. The problem is that turbulence in the super-heated plasma causes rapid cooling. More precisely, turbulence induces energy diffusion which gets stronger very rapidly as the plasma gets hotter. As a result, one must supply a lot of energy to get the fusion reactions going. The ultimate performance of a given experiment, measured by the ratio of self-heating to applied heating, is limited by and exquisitely sensitive to the details of the underlying turbulence.

Dr. Dorland and his group are working on the development of the theory and of first-principles simulations of this turbulence. Continuing progress requires maintaining the existing capability to perform and understand state-of-the-art simulations on the fastest parallel supercomputers available. Their calculations have profoundly affected the direction of the international magnetic confinement fusion program over the last decade. The present focus of their research is on conclusively identifying theoretically predicted signatures of the turbulence in experiments around the world, and on helping design new experimental configurations which should be much less affected by turbulence.

Dr. Dorland is an assistant professor in the University of Maryland Department of Physics working with plasma physics. If you have any questions for Dr. Dorland, you may contact him at bdorland@physics.umd.edu.

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