Oct 8, ‘02


             Analysis of the 2002 HC Test Beam Data


    Here is some VERY preliminary results of my analysis of some of the runs. The runs 3328,

3329, 3331, 3332, 3333 form a group of pi- beam with 5 different energies.  According the

WEB and paper logs, they also have the same eta phi values, even though the data readout show

different angles for runs 3331 and 3332, the two lowest energy runs.


    I used run 3329, a 300 GeV run to tune the cuts.  For HC, the timeslice cuts and tower

grouping cuts were adjusted to get the best resolution.  For EC, since there seems to be a lot

of energy spread, all channels were included.  The EC to HC weighing factor was also adjusted.

It's found to be SUM = HC + EC * 0.855.


    For the 50, 100, 300 GeV runs, the measured energy scaled very well, the resolution is also

proportional to 1/SQRT(E).  The 30 and 20 GeV runs will need more work.


    For 300 GeV (Run 3329), there is a hump at the lower end of the energy distribution.  If

That is excluded in the fit to a Gaussian, the Resolution goes down to 7.0%.


    The Results will be updated as more work is done.



                  Web       Data   Paper Log


run   GeV Part. eta   phi  eta phi  eta phi  Sum  Sigma   %     Comments


3271  300  pi- 0.220 0.240  3  3    3   3                        ec adc bad


3275   20  pi- 0.220 0.240  3  3    3   3                        ec adc bad


3328  100  pi- 0.740 0.320  9  4    9   4   768.5  97.2  12.63


3329  300  pi- 0.740 0.320  9  4    9   4  2353.5 174.2   7.40


3331   30  pi- 0.740 0.320 12  8    9   4   264.8  83.8  31.64


3332   20  pi- 0.740 0.320 10  4    9   4   153.3  68.3  44.55    50->400


3333   50  pi- 0.740 0.320  9  4    9   4   385.7  76.1  19.73


3336   30  pi- 0.740 0.320 12  8    9   4   205.9  61.0  29.62


3337   20  pi- 0.740 0.320  9  5    9   4   134.8  60.5  44.88    50->400 


3339   20  pi- 1.090 0.320 13  4   13   4   128.6  62.1  48.29


3341   30  pi- 1.090 0.320 13  8   13   4   219,8  60.6  27.57


3343   50  pi- 1.090 0.320 12  4   13   4   396.6  72.1  28.28


3344  100  pi- 1.090 0.320 13  5   13   4   818.7 117.7  14.38


3345  300  pi- 1.090 0.320 13  4   13   4  2601.4 278.4  10.70


3357  300  pi- 0.830 0.370 10  5   10   5  2314.9 213.0   9.20


3377  300  pi- 0.860 0.320 11  4    9+  4  2617.5 246.4   9.41