Russell L. Collins

The GPB Probe - Alternate Predictions for the Precessions Rates

A scalar alternative to GR gravity arises from the recognition that mass is kinetic energy. With \gamma=1/sqrt(1-\beta^2) and \alpha=1+GM/rc^2, speed and gravity increase mass, m*=(\gamma/\alpha)m. This shortens measured distance and time by \alpha/\gamma. This mass-metric relativity (MMR) accounts easily for the 3 classical tests of GR. The gpb 2003 expectations, however, differ from those of GR, as depicted below. The in-plane geodetic precession comes from the differential shrinkage (with speed) of the outer and inner points of tangency of the orbit. The out-of-plane precession is also geodetic, reflecting the sun's perturbation. No Lense-Thirring precession is expected.
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