Education and Outreach Working Group - Updated 8/23/02
Group Leader: Susan Millar; (608) 265-2770

The goals of the Education and Outreach Working Group are to:
1. assess and develop an integrated description of E&O activities associated with the science of the proposed IceCube project and the proposals for a National Underground Laboratory that already are underway, and
2. develop an integrated vision and description of how these activities will expanded and improved in the future.

The E&O Working Group is charged with the task of producing the E&O portion of the report due to the National Research Council Committee that is conducting the parallel review of neutrino and subterranean science. We have a major challenge to develop on a very short timeline an NeSS2002 Workshop report that will be useful for the NRC committee.

Individual interested in participating in this working group should review: "Goals, Strategies, and Action Items for the E&O Working Group"

E&O Parallel Session Agenda

Descriptions of Talks

"E&O Working Group Participant List"

"Self-Introductions for E&O Working Group Participants"

"Relevant NeSS E&O documents"

Information on the meeting, including registration and housing, can be found on the main NeSS2002 web site.