Phys623: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - II

Spring 2007, Section 0101
MWF 9:00-9:50, Room PHY 0405

Prof. Steve Wallace
Room 2107, Phone 301-405-7128
Office hours:  Monday and Friday 1:30-2:30.
  Feel free to drop in.

Teaching Assistant:
Young Kim
Room 4122,   Phone 301-405-6024 , 
Office hours: M,W 11-11:50

    Breaking News:

Course grades and final exam grades are posted at the link below.

Have a good summer.

Links to other pages for course

Homework Assignments 
Homework Solutions March 16, 2007 Lecture on polarization sums Last year's Lecture Notes  

Midterm 1 Exam & Solution  
Midterm 2 Exam & Solution          

Course Evaluations  
Course and Final Exam Grades

General course information

Textbook: J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics (Addison-Wesley, Reading Massachusetts), ISBN: 0-201-53929-2.

Reserve books: The books by Cohen-Tannoudji et. al.,  Landau & Lifshitz,  Sakurai,
and Schwabl are on reserve at EPSL.

E-mail: I encourage students to make use of e-mail for quick correspondence with me regarding lecture material, homework problems, or whatever. I will also use e-mail to communicate with the class at large.

Homework: Assigned weekly and due the following week. Late homework accepted at 75% of full value up to 5:00 PM two days following due date. If you know it will be impossible to turn in an assignment on time you must discuss this with me  in advance of the due date. Sources (e.g. textbooks or classmates) should be cited when used heavily in a homework solution. Please make sure you include your name and the homework and course numbers and staple the pages together.

Exam Schedule:
..........First Midterm Examination Wednesday, March 28, 2007.  

..........Second Midterm Examination Wednesday, May 2, 2007.  

..........Final Examination Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 8:00am-11:00am, Room: Chemistry 2201  

Grading:  Based on homework (30%), two mid-terms (30%), and final (40%),
Final Exam score will be used to decide borderline cases.
An approximate guide is that 55-60% of the overall points plus a passing
score on the final exam are required to earn a grade of B- or better.