Announcements for Physics 622 (Prof. Agashe) Ð Fall 2019


(1). Final letter grades are posted on ELMS and UMEG.


(2). Final exam solutions are posted here: average score was 102.4 (out of maximum possible of 125), with standard deviation of 19.


Problems # 5 and 6 were graded by the instructor, while # 1, 2 were done by the TA Yixu Wang, with the other TA,

Majid Ekhterachian, grading # 3, 4. So, for any issues with grading, please approach directly the corresponding grader,

but first, take a very careful look at the solutions and statements of the problem, including directions and notes therein (i.e.,

what was expected of you on the exam).

(3). HW 9, 10 and 11 are assigned here, due Friday, December 6,  December 9 (Monday) and Wednesday, December 11 (respectively)

in folder outside Rm. 3118 of PSC.

(4). Solutions to HW 2-11 have been posted here.

(5). Take-home final exam has been assigned here and is due on Monday, December 16 by noon. Please read instructions on it very carefully.

(6). Course evaluations are due by Tuesday, December 10 here.


(7). Midterm solutions are posted here. Average score on midterm is around 57 (out of a maximum of 65), with standard

deviation of (roughly) 7.


Problems # 2 and 3 were graded by the instructor, while # 1 was done by the TA Yixu Wang, with the other TA, Majid Ekhterachian, grading # 4.

So, for any issues with grading, please approach directly the corresponding grader, but first, take a very careful look at the solutions (i.e., what was expected of you on the exam).


(8). Please double-check that your midterm, final and HW scores have been correctly posted on ELMS.


(9). The schedule/location of office hours is as follows (they are also listed on the course webpage):


(i)        By instructor:


Monday: 11 am.-noon in Rm. 3118 of PSC


Wednesday 3.00-4.00 pm. in Rm. 3118 of PSC


(ii)      By TAÕs:


                Tuesday: 3.30 pm.-4.30 in Rm. 3264 of PSC by Yixu Wang


                Thursday: 2.30-3.30 pm. in Rm.3129 of PSC by Majid Ekhterachian


Please note location and day carefully.