Molecules Copyright 2002, Dan Schroeder Physics Department, Weber State University, Ogden, UT 84408-2508. This program is free, open-source software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, contact the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, // Release notes and modification history Version 1.0, 22 November 2002. First public release. There are still a couple of known bugs: Shift key doesn't seem to work with little arrow controls on some Macs. Under Windows, full-screen save files don't open in full-screen mode. Animation still isn't very smooth under OSX, but the problem is less noticeable on newer, faster machines. The Windows user interface could be improved, e.g., "ctrl-H" disappears from menu after it's used once; menu bar appears in full-screen mode only if main window has focus; "Quit" should really be called "Exit". Code to compute heat capacity is disabled since it doesn't seem to be useful, though EkSquaredTotal is still written to save files in case it's needed in a later version. Many more features would be nice to have: recording/replaying movies; plotting graphs of various quantities; manually setting velocities; permanent bonds to form diatomic molecules. This is the source code for MacOS. To compile for Windows, you should check the GrowIcon box in the GWin properties window, and delete the ResizeWindow. (The latter is a kludge that's used on the Mac to prevent the grow icon from intruding into the window content while the simulation is running.) //*********************************************************************** // App Properties: AAattraction as single AAForceCutoff as single AAForceCutoff2 as single Aax(999) as single Aay(999) as single ABattraction as single ABForceCutoff as single ABForceCutoff2 as single ABrsum2 as single Acolor as color Acount as integer Acountm1 as integer Adiameter as single Adiameter2 as single Amass as single Amassinv as single Apixelwidth as single Aradius as single Ascreenx(999) as integer Ascreeny(999) as integer Avx(999) as single Avy(999) as single Ax(999) as single Ay(999) as single Bax(999) as single Bay(999) as single BBattraction as single BBForceCutoff as single BBForceCutoff2 as single Bcolor as color Bcount as integer Bcountm1 as integer Bdiameter as single Bdiameter2 as single BGcolor as color Bmass as single Bmassinv as single Bpixelwidth as integer Bradius as single Bscreenx(999) as integer Bscreeny(999) as integer Bvx(999) as single Bvy(999) as single dt as single dtover2 as single dtsquaredover2 as single Egravitational as single EgTotal as single Einteraction as single EiTotal as single Ekinetic as single EkSquared as single EkSquaredTotal as single EkTotal as single gravity as single GWinPort as integer GWinRegion as integer iterations as integer pressure as single Ptotal as single t as single WallStiffness as single WallStiffnessHalf as single xmax as single ymax as single // Methods: App.ChangeSpeeds: Sub ChangeSpeeds(ratio as single) dim i as integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks for i = 0 to Acountm1 Avx(i) = ratio * Avx(i) Avy(i) = ratio * Avy(i) next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 Bvx(i) = ratio * Bvx(i) Bvy(i) = ratio * Bvy(i) next ResetData // if simulation isn't running, perhaps we should calculate new energy End Sub App.ColorsChanged: Sub ColorsChanged() CWin.AcolorCircle.FillColor = Acolor CWin.BcolorCircle.FillColor = Bcolor CWin.BGcolorSquare.FillColor = BGcolor redraw ColorsRedBlueBeige.checked = false ColorsPurpleGreenSky.checked = false ColorsRedGreenBlue.checked = false ColorsSpring.checked = false ColorsSummer.checked = false ColorsFall.checked = false ColorsWinter.checked = false ColorsChristmas.checked = false ColorsIndependence.checked = false ColorsHalloween.checked = false ColorsFluorescent.checked = false ColorsEarthtones.checked = false ColorsBubbles.checked = false ColorsGreens.checked = false ColorsBlues.checked = false ColorsPurples.checked = false ColorsReds.checked = false ColorsBrowns.checked = false ColorsGrays.checked = false End Sub App.ComputeAccelerations: Sub ComputeAccelerations() // given molecules' positions, compute their accelerations; called by SingleStep // this is where the program spends most of its time (aside from drawing), // so speed is critical here dim i,j as integer dim thisx, thisy, deltax, deltay, dx2, dy2, temp, wallforce as single dim rsquared, r0overr2, attract, repel, foverr, fx, fy as single #pragma disableBackgroundTasks Einteraction = 0.0 // we'll also compute the potential energies Egravitational = 0.0 pressure = 0.0 // and we'll compute the pressure on the walls // First handle bounces off walls (linear force): for i = 0 to Acountm1 thisx = Ax(i) thisy = Ay(i) if gravity <> 0.0 then Egravitational = Egravitational + Amass * gravity * (ymax - thisy) end if if thisx < Aradius then temp = Aradius - thisx wallforce = WallStiffness * temp Aax(i) = wallforce pressure = pressure + wallforce Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else if thisx > xmax - Aradius then temp = xmax - Aradius - thisx wallforce = WallStiffness * temp Aax(i) = wallforce pressure = pressure - wallforce Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else Aax(i) = 0.0 end if end if if thisy < Aradius then temp = Aradius - thisy Aay(i) = WallStiffness * temp Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else if thisy > ymax - Aradius then temp = ymax - Aradius - thisy Aay(i) = WallStiffness * temp Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else Aay(i) = 0.0 end if end if next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 thisx = Bx(i) thisy = By(i) if gravity <> 0.0 then Egravitational = Egravitational + Bmass * gravity * (ymax - thisy) end if if thisx < Bradius then temp = Bradius - thisx wallforce = WallStiffness * temp Bax(i) = wallforce pressure = pressure + wallforce Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else if thisx > xmax - Bradius then temp = xmax - Bradius - thisx wallforce = WallStiffness * temp Bax(i) = wallforce pressure = pressure - wallforce Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else Bax(i) = 0.0 end if end if if thisy < Bradius then temp = Bradius - thisy Bay(i) = WallStiffness * temp Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else if thisy > ymax - Bradius then temp = ymax - Bradius - thisy Bay(i) = WallStiffness * temp Einteraction = Einteraction + WallStiffnessHalf * temp * temp else Bay(i) = 0.0 end if end if next pressure = pressure / (2.0 * ymax) // we're done computing the pressure // Now handle forces between molecules (Lennard-Jones interaction): for i = 0 to Acountm1 thisx = Ax(i) thisy = Ay(i) for j = i+1 to Acountm1 // first do A-A interactions deltax = Ax(j) - thisx dx2 = deltax * deltax if dx2 < AAForceCutoff2 then deltay = Ay(j) - thisy dy2 = deltay * deltay if dy2 < AAForceCutoff2 then rsquared = dx2 + dy2 if rsquared < AAForceCutoff2 then r0overr2 = Adiameter2 / rsquared attract = r0overr2 * r0overr2 * r0overr2 repel = attract * attract foverr = 24.0 * (2.0 * repel - attract) / rsquared if foverr < 0.0 then foverr = foverr * AAattraction Einteraction = Einteraction + AAattraction * 4.0 * (repel - attract) else Einteraction = Einteraction + 4.0 * (repel - attract) + (1.0 - AAattraction) end if fx = foverr * deltax fy = foverr * deltay Aax(j) = Aax(j) + fx Aax(i) = Aax(i) - fx Aay(j) = Aay(j) + fy Aay(i) = Aay(i) - fy end if end if end if next for j = 0 to Bcountm1 // next do A-B interactions deltax = Bx(j) - thisx dx2 = deltax * deltax if dx2 < ABForceCutoff2 then deltay = By(j) - thisy dy2 = deltay * deltay if dy2 < ABForceCutoff2 then rsquared = dx2 + dy2 if rsquared < ABForceCutoff2 then r0overr2 = ABrsum2 / rsquared attract = r0overr2 * r0overr2 * r0overr2 repel = attract * attract foverr = 24.0 * (2.0 * repel - attract) / rsquared if foverr < 0.0 then foverr = foverr * ABattraction Einteraction = Einteraction + ABattraction * 4.0 * (repel - attract) else Einteraction = Einteraction + 4.0 * (repel - attract) + (1.0 - ABattraction) end if fx = foverr * deltax fy = foverr * deltay Bax(j) = Bax(j) + fx Aax(i) = Aax(i) - fx Bay(j) = Bay(j) + fy Aay(i) = Aay(i) - fy end if end if end if next Aax(i) = Aax(i) * Amassinv // A's are done so divide by mass to get acceleration Aay(i) = Aay(i) * Amassinv + gravity next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 // now do B-B interactions thisx = Bx(i) thisy = By(i) for j = i+1 to Bcountm1 deltax = Bx(j) - thisx dx2 = deltax * deltax if dx2 < BBForceCutoff2 then deltay = By(j) - thisy dy2 = deltay * deltay if dy2 < BBForceCutoff2 then rsquared = dx2 + dy2 if rsquared < BBForceCutoff2 then r0overr2 = Bdiameter2 / rsquared attract = r0overr2 * r0overr2 * r0overr2 repel = attract * attract foverr = 24.0 * (2.0 * repel - attract) / rsquared if foverr < 0.0 then foverr = foverr * BBattraction Einteraction = Einteraction + BBattraction * 4.0 * (repel - attract) else Einteraction = Einteraction + 4.0 * (repel - attract) + (1.0 - BBattraction) end if fx = foverr * deltax fy = foverr * deltay Bax(j) = Bax(j) + fx Bax(i) = Bax(i) - fx Bay(j) = Bay(j) + fy Bay(i) = Bay(i) - fy end if end if end if next Bax(i) = Bax(i) * Bmassinv // and now the B's are done Bay(i) = Bay(i) * Bmassinv + gravity next End Sub App.createA: Sub createA() dim x, y as single dim trial as integer dim successful as boolean if Acount < 1000 then trial = 0 do x = (rnd * (xmax - Adiameter)) + Aradius y = (rnd * (ymax - Adiameter)) + Aradius trial = trial + 1 successful = SpaceAvailable(x,y,Aradius) loop until successful or (trial > 99) if successful then Ax(Acount) = x Ay(Acount) = y Avx(Acount) = rnd - 0.5 Avy(Acount) = rnd - 0.5 Aax(Acount) = 0.0 Aay(Acount) = 0.0 Ascreenx(Acount) = -100 drawA(Acount) Acount = Acount + 1 Acountm1 = Acount - 1 ResetData end if CWin.ANEdit.text = Format(Acount,"#") end if End Sub App.createB: Sub createB() dim x, y as single dim trial as integer dim successful as boolean if Bcount < 1000 then trial = 0 do x = (rnd * (xmax - Bdiameter)) + Bradius y = (rnd * (ymax - Bdiameter)) + Bradius trial = trial + 1 successful = SpaceAvailable(x,y,Bradius) loop until successful or (trial > 99) if successful then Bx(Bcount) = x By(Bcount) = y Bvx(Bcount) = rnd - 0.5 Bvy(Bcount) = rnd - 0.5 Bax(Bcount) = 0.0 Bay(Bcount) = 0.0 Bscreenx(Bcount) = -100 drawB(Bcount) Bcount = Bcount + 1 Bcountm1 = Bcount - 1 ResetData end if CWin.BNEdit.text = Format(Bcount,"#") end if End Sub App.deleteA: Sub deleteA(index as integer) if index >= 0 then Ax(index) = -100 drawA(index) // that should erase it if index < Acount-1 then // if it's not the last one in the list... Ax(index) = Ax(Acount-1) // move the last one into this slot Ay(index) = Ay(Acount-1) Avx(index) = Avx(Acount-1) Avy(index) = Avy(Acount-1) Aax(index) = Aax(Acount-1) Aay(index) = Aay(Acount-1) Ascreenx(index) = Ascreenx(Acount-1) Ascreeny(index) = Ascreeny(Acount-1) end if Acount = Acount - 1 Acountm1 = Acount - 1 CWin.ANEdit.text = Format(Acount,"#") ResetData end if End Sub App.deleteB: Sub deleteB(index as integer) if index >= 0 then Bx(index) = -100 drawB(index) // that should erase it if index < Bcount-1 then // if it's not the last one in the list... Bx(index) = Bx(Bcount-1) // move the last one into this slot By(index) = By(Bcount-1) Bvx(index) = Bvx(Bcount-1) Bvy(index) = Bvy(Bcount-1) Bax(index) = Bax(Bcount-1) Bay(index) = Bay(Bcount-1) Bscreenx(index) = Bscreenx(Bcount-1) Bscreeny(index) = Bscreeny(Bcount-1) end if Bcount = Bcount - 1 Bcountm1 = Bcount - 1 CWin.BNEdit.text = Format(Bcount,"#") ResetData end if End Sub App.DisplayData: Sub DisplayData() dim EkAv, EkSquaredAv as single CWin.Etotal.text = Format(Ekinetic+Einteraction+Egravitational,"-#.00") CWin.DataBox.list(0) = Format(t,"#.00") if CWin.AvButton.value and (iterations > 0) then CWin.DataBox.list(1) = Format(EkTotal/iterations,"#.00") CWin.DataBox.list(2) = Format(EiTotal/iterations,"-#.00") CWin.DataBox.list(3) = Format(EgTotal/iterations,"#.00") if Acount + Bcount <> 0 then EkAv = EkTotal / iterations //EkSquaredAv = EkSquaredTotal / iterations CWin.DataBox.list(4) = Format(EkAv/(Acount + Bcount),"#.0000") //CWin.DataBox.list(6) = Format( 1 / (1+ (1/(Acount+Bcount)) - (EkSquaredAv/(EkAv*EkAv))) ,"#.00") // heat capacity formula from Ray and Graben, Mol Phys 43, 1293 (1981) end if CWin.DataBox.list(5) = Format(Ptotal/iterations, "#.0000") else CWin.DataBox.list(1) = Format(Ekinetic,"#.00") CWin.DataBox.list(2) = Format(Einteraction,"-#.00") CWin.DataBox.list(3) = Format(Egravitational,"#.00") if Acount + Bcount <> 0 then CWin.DataBox.list(4) = Format(Ekinetic / (Acount + Bcount),"#.0000") end if CWin.DataBox.list(5) = Format(pressure, "#.0000") //CWin.DataBox.list(6) = "?.??" // can't compute instantaneous heat capacity end if End Sub App.drawA: Sub drawA(index as integer) dim x,y,oldx,oldy as integer oldx = Ascreenx(index) oldy = Ascreeny(index) x = (Ax(index) - Aradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 y = (Ay(index) - Aradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 if (x <> oldx) or (y <> oldy) then = BGcolor oldx,oldy,Apixelwidth,Apixelwidth = Acolor x,y,Apixelwidth,Apixelwidth Ascreenx(index) = x Ascreeny(index) = y end if End Sub App.drawB: Sub drawB(index as integer) dim x,y,oldx,oldy as integer oldx = Bscreenx(index) oldy = Bscreeny(index) x = (Bx(index) - Bradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 y = (By(index) - Bradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 if (x <> oldx) or (y <> oldy) then = BGcolor oldx,oldy,Bpixelwidth,Bpixelwidth = Bcolor x,y,Bpixelwidth,Bpixelwidth Bscreenx(index) = x Bscreeny(index) = y end if End Sub App.OpenTheFile: Sub OpenTheFile(f as FolderItem) Dim stream as BinaryStream Dim firstbyte, secondbyte, version, subversion as Integer Dim newwidth, newheight as integer Dim r,g,b as Integer Dim i as Integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks // so the for loops won't take forever If f <> Nil then if CWin.simTimer.mode = 2 then CWin.startButton.push // if it's running, stop (prevents errors under Windows) end if stream = f.OpenAsBinaryFile(false) firstbyte = stream.ReadByte // first two bytes must be ASCII "MD" for Molecular Dynamics secondbyte = stream.ReadByte version = stream.ReadByte subversion = stream.ReadByte If (firstbyte <> 77) or (secondbyte <> 68) or (version <> 1) or (subversion <> 0) then MsgBox "Sorry, can't read that file." Else Acount = 0 Acountm1 = -1 Bcount = 0 Bcountm1 = -1 xmax = stream.ReadSingle ymax = stream.ReadSingle newwidth = round(10 * xmax) newheight = round(10 * ymax) // the following isn't fool-proof, but should work fine most of the time on Macs; // for some reason, the attempt to enter full-screen mode fails on Windows if (newwidth >= screen(0).width) and (newheight >= screen(0).height) then WindowFullScreen.checked = true GWin.left = 0 = 0 GWin.width = screen(0).width GWin.height = screen(0).height GWin.MenuBarVisible = false GWin.FullScreen = true CWin.left = screen(0).width - 208 else WindowFullScreen.checked = false GWin.FullScreen = false GWin.MenuBarVisible = true if ( + newheight > screen(0).height) or ( < 50) then = 50 end if if GWin.left + newwidth > screen(0).width then GWin.left = 10 end if GWin.width = 10 * xmax GWin.height = 10 * ymax end if setGravity(stream.ReadSingle) setdt(stream.ReadSingle) Acount = stream.ReadShort Acountm1 = Acount - 1 CWin.ANEdit.text = Format(Acount,"#") setAdiameter(stream.ReadSingle) setAmass(stream.ReadSingle) setAAattraction(stream.ReadSingle) r = stream.ReadByte g = stream.ReadByte b = stream.ReadByte Acolor = RGB(r,g,b) Bcount = stream.ReadShort Bcountm1 = Bcount - 1 CWin.BNEdit.text = Format(Bcount,"#") setBdiameter(stream.ReadSingle) setBmass(stream.ReadSingle) setBBattraction(stream.ReadSingle) r = stream.ReadByte g = stream.ReadByte b = stream.ReadByte Bcolor = RGB(r,g,b) setABattraction(stream.ReadSingle) setWallStiffness(stream.ReadSingle) r = stream.ReadByte g = stream.ReadByte b = stream.ReadByte BGcolor = RGB(r,g,b) ColorsChanged iterations = stream.ReadLong t = stream.ReadSingle Ekinetic = stream.ReadSingle Einteraction = stream.ReadSingle Egravitational = stream.ReadSingle EkTotal = stream.ReadSingle EkSquaredTotal = stream.ReadSingle EiTotal = stream.ReadSingle EgTotal = stream.ReadSingle pressure = stream.ReadSingle pTotal = stream.ReadSingle for i = 0 to Acountm1 Ax(i) = stream.ReadSingle Ay(i) = stream.ReadSingle Avx(i) = stream.ReadSingle Avy(i) = stream.ReadSingle Aax(i) = stream.ReadSingle Aay(i) = stream.ReadSingle Ascreenx(i) = -100 next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 Bx(i) = stream.ReadSingle By(i) = stream.ReadSingle Bvx(i) = stream.ReadSingle Bvy(i) = stream.ReadSingle Bax(i) = stream.ReadSingle Bay(i) = stream.ReadSingle Bscreenx(i) = -100 next // should really check to make sure none are off the screen redraw DisplayData end if stream.close end if End Sub App.redraw: Sub redraw() dim i as integer dim x, y as integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks = BGcolor 0,0,GWin.width, GWin.height = Acolor for i = 0 to Acountm1 x = (Ax(i) - Aradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 y = (Ay(i) - Aradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 x,y,Apixelwidth,Apixelwidth Ascreenx(i) = x // these 2 lines may not be necessary Ascreeny(i) = y next = Bcolor for i = 0 to Bcountm1 x = (Bx(i) - Bradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 y = (By(i) - Bradius) * 10.0 + 0.5 x,y,Bpixelwidth,Bpixelwidth Bscreenx(i) = x // these 2 lines may not be necessary Bscreeny(i) = y next End Sub App.ResetData: Sub ResetData() iterations = 0 t = 0.0 EkTotal = 0.0 EkSquaredTotal = 0.0 EiTotal = 0.0 EgTotal = 0.0 Ptotal = 0.0 DisplayData End Sub App.RunSimulation: Sub RunSimulation() // this is the main simulation loop; it's called by the timer in the control window #if TargetCarbon declare sub QDSetDirtyRegion lib "CarbonLib" (port as integer, region as integer) declare sub LockPortBits lib "CarbonLib" (port as integer) declare sub UnlockPortBits lib "CarbonLib" (port as integer) #endif dim starttime, flushtime as double dim time1, time2 as double // for diagnosis only--delete later starttime = microseconds flushtime = starttime do #if TargetCarbon LockPortBits GWinPort // tricks to speed up graphics on OS X //QDSetDirtyRegion GWinPort, GWinRegion // this seems to slow it down under most conditions #endif do SingleStep loop until (microseconds - flushtime) > 30000 // update screen about 30 times per second (OSX only) #if TargetCarbon UnlockPortBits GWinPort #endif GWin.UpdateNow flushtime = microseconds if Ekinetic > 0.01 * (Acount + Bcount) / dtsquaredover2 then // since each v should be < .1/dt CWin.startButton.push // stop running MsgBox "I think the calculation has become unstable." exit end if loop until (microseconds - starttime) > 200000 // run a total of 0.2 seconds DisplayData End Sub App.setAAattraction: Sub setAAattraction(newAA as single) if newAA < 0.0 then AAattraction = 0.0 else if newAA > 2.0 then AAattraction = 2.0 else AAattraction = newAA end if end if CWin.AAEdit.text = Format(AAattraction,"#.0") setForceCutoffs ResetData End Sub App.setABattraction: Sub setABattraction(newAB as single) if newAB < 0.0 then ABattraction = 0.0 else if newAB > 2.0 then ABattraction = 2.0 else ABattraction = newAB end if end if CWin.ABEdit.text = Format(ABattraction,"#.0") setForceCutoffs ResetData End Sub App.setAdiameter: Sub setAdiameter(newd as single) if newd < 1.0 then Adiameter = 1.0 else if newd > 5.0 then Adiameter = 5.0 else Adiameter = newd end if end if Apixelwidth = 10 * Adiameter Adiameter2 = Adiameter * Adiameter Aradius = Adiameter / 2.0 Adiameter2 = Adiameter * Adiameter ABrsum2 = (Aradius + Bradius) * (Aradius + Bradius) setForceCutoffs CWin.ADEdit.text = Format(Adiameter,"#.0") redraw ResetData End Sub App.setAmass: Sub setAmass(newM as single) if newM < 1.0 then Amass = 1.0 else if newM > 10.0 then Amass = 10.0 else Amass = newM end if end if Amassinv = 1 / Amass CWin.AMEdit.text = Format(Amass,"#.0") ResetData End Sub App.setBBattraction: Sub setBBattraction(newBB as single) if newBB < 0.0 then BBattraction = 0.0 else if newBB > 2.0 then BBattraction = 2.0 else BBattraction = newBB end if end if CWin.BBEdit.text = Format(BBattraction,"#.0") setForceCutoffs ResetData End Sub App.setBdiameter: Sub setBdiameter(newd as single) if newd < 1.0 then Bdiameter = 1.0 else if newd > 5.0 then Bdiameter = 5.0 else Bdiameter = newd end if end if Bpixelwidth = 10 * Bdiameter Bdiameter2 = Bdiameter * Bdiameter Bradius = Bdiameter / 2.0 Bdiameter2 = Bdiameter * Bdiameter ABrsum2 = (Aradius + Bradius) * (Aradius + Bradius) setForceCutoffs CWin.BDEdit.text = Format(Bdiameter,"#.0") redraw ResetData End Sub App.setBmass: Sub setBmass(newM as single) if newM < 1.0 then Bmass = 1.0 else if newM > 10.0 then Bmass = 10.0 else Bmass = newM end if end if Bmassinv = 1 / Bmass CWin.BMEdit.text = Format(Bmass,"#.0") ResetData End Sub App.setdt: Sub setdt(newdt as single) if newdt > 0.1 then dt = 0.1 else if newdt < 0.0001 then dt = 0.0001 else dt = newdt end if end if dtover2 = dt / 2.0 dtsquaredover2 = dt * dt / 2.0 CWin.dtEdit.text = Format(dt,"#.0000") End Sub App.setForceCutoffs: Sub setForceCutoffs() // based on sizes and attraction strengths, sets cutoffs beyond // which we won't even compute the force if AAattraction < 0.001 then AAForceCutoff = Adiameter * pow(2,0.333333) else AAForceCutoff = Adiameter * 3.0 end if AAForceCutoff2 = AAForceCutoff * AAForceCutoff if BBattraction < 0.001 then BBForceCutoff = Bdiameter * pow(2,0.333333) else BBForceCutoff = Bdiameter * 3.0 end if BBForceCutoff2 = BBForceCutoff * BBForceCutoff if ABattraction < 0.001 then ABForceCutoff = (Aradius + Bradius) * pow(2,0.333333) else ABForceCutoff = (Aradius + Bradius) * 3.0 end if ABForceCutoff2 = ABForceCutoff * ABForceCutoff End Sub App.setGravity: Sub setGravity(newg as single) if newg > 1.00 then gravity = 1.00 else if newg < 0.0 then gravity = 0.0 else gravity = newg end if end if CWin.gEdit.text = Format(gravity,"#.000") ResetData End Sub App.SetWallStiffness: Sub SetWallStiffness(newStiffness as single) if newStiffness < 1.0 then WallStiffness = 1.0 else if newStiffness > 500.0 then WallStiffness = 500.0 else WallStiffness = newStiffness end if end if WallStiffnessHalf = WallStiffness / 2.0 CWin.WSEdit.text = Format(WallStiffness,"#") End Sub App.SingleStep: Sub SingleStep() // carries out a single time step of the simulation dim i as integer dim tempvx, tempvy as single #pragma disableBackgroundTasks t = t + dt iterations = iterations + 1 Ekinetic = 0.0 for i = 0 to Acountm1 Ax(i) = Ax(i) + Avx(i) * dt + Aax(i)*dtsquaredover2 // compute new position Ay(i) = Ay(i) + Avy(i) * dt + Aay(i)*dtsquaredover2 Avx(i) = Avx(i) + Aax(i)*dtover2 // update velocity halfway Avy(i) = Avy(i) + Aay(i)*dtover2 next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 Bx(i) = Bx(i) + Bvx(i) * dt + Bax(i)*dtsquaredover2 By(i) = By(i) + Bvy(i) * dt + Bay(i)*dtsquaredover2 Bvx(i) = Bvx(i) + Bax(i)*dtover2 Bvy(i) = Bvy(i) + Bay(i)*dtover2 next ComputeAccelerations for i = 0 to Acountm1 tempvx = Avx(i) + Aax(i)*dtover2 // finish updating v with new acceleration tempvy = Avy(i) + Aay(i)*dtover2 Avx(i) = tempvx // (temp variables eliminate multiple array lookups) Avy(i) = tempvy drawA(i) Ekinetic = Ekinetic + Amass * (tempvx*tempvx + tempvy*tempvy) // we'll divide by 2 later next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 tempvx = Bvx(i) + Bax(i)*dtover2 // finish updating v with new acceleration tempvy = Bvy(i) + Bay(i)*dtover2 Bvx(i) = tempvx Bvy(i) = tempvy drawB(i) Ekinetic = Ekinetic + Bmass * (tempvx*tempvx + tempvy*tempvy) next Ekinetic = Ekinetic / 2.0 EkSquared = Ekinetic * Ekinetic EkTotal = EkTotal + Ekinetic EkSquaredTotal = EkSquaredTotal + EkSquared EiTotal = EiTotal + Einteraction EgTotal = EgTotal + Egravitational Ptotal = Ptotal + pressure End Sub App.SpaceAvailable: Function SpaceAvailable(x as single, y as single, radius as single) As boolean // determines whether there's space available to put a new molecule at (x,y) dim i as integer dim dx, dy as single dim r2limit as single dim tooclose as boolean #pragma disableBackgroundTasks tooclose = false i = 0 r2limit = (radius + Aradius) * (radius + Aradius) * 1.26 while i < Acount and not tooclose dx = Ax(i) - x dy = Ay(i) - y if dx*dx + dy*dy < r2limit then tooclose = true end if i = i + 1 wend i = 0 r2limit = (radius + Bradius) * (radius + Bradius) * 1.26 while i < Bcount and not tooclose dx = Bx(i) - x dy = By(i) - y if dx*dx + dy*dy < r2limit then tooclose = true end if i = i + 1 wend return not tooclose End Function // Event handlers: App.Activate: Sub Activate() if WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" then // if CWin is supposed to be visible... end if End Sub App.Deactivate: Sub Deactivate() CWin.hide End Sub App.EnableMenuItems: Sub EnableMenuItems() AppleAboutMolecules.enable FileNew.enable FileOpen.enable FileSave.enable FileSavePicture.enable If CWin.DataBox.SelCount > 0 then EditCopy.Enable End if If CWin.DataBox.SelCount < 6 then EditSelectAll.Enable End if ColorsRedBlueBeige.enable ColorsPurpleGreenSky.enable ColorsRedGreenBlue.enable ColorsSpring.enable ColorsSummer.enable ColorsFall.enable ColorsWinter.enable ColorsChristmas.enable ColorsIndependence.enable ColorsHalloween.enable ColorsEarthtones.enable ColorsBubbles.enable ColorsFluorescent.enable ColorsGreens.enable ColorsBlues.enable ColorsPurples.enable ColorsReds.enable ColorsBrowns.enable ColorsGrays.enable WindowFullScreen.enable WindowHideControls.enable End Sub App.Open: Sub Open() #if TargetCarbon declare function GetWindowPort lib "CarbonLib" (window as WindowPtr) as integer declare function NewRgn lib "CarbonLib" as integer declare sub SetRectRgn lib "CarbonLib" (region as integer, left as short, top as short, right as short, bottom as short) #endif dim i as integer #pragma disableAutoWaitCursor // affects the whole program #pragma disableBackgroundTasks // just for loops in this subroutine GWin.left = screen(0).width/2 - 306 = 50 CWin.left = GWin.left + 412 = #if TargetPPC CWin.HasBackColor = True // gray looks better in OS9 CWin.Backcolor = RGB(238,238,238) #endif xmax = GWin.width / 10.0 ymax = GWin.height / 10.0 Acount = 0 Acountm1 = Acount - 1 Bcount = 0 Bcountm1 = Bcount - 1 Acolor = RGB(130,0,200) Bcolor = RGB(0,160,100) BGcolor = RGB(245,245,255) ColorsChanged ColorsPurpleGreenSky.checked = true setAdiameter(1.0) setAmass(1.0) setAAattraction(1.0) setBdiameter(1.0) setBmass(1.0) setBBattraction(1.0) setWallStiffness(50.0) setABattraction(1.0) for i = 0 to 999 Ascreenx(i) = -100 // put all molecules way off screen so they'll be drawn the first time Bscreenx(i) = -100 next #if TargetCarbon GWinPort = GetWindowPort(GWin) GWinRegion = NewRgn() SetRectRgn GWinRegion,0,0,GWin.width,GWin.height #endif for i = 1 to 50 createA next setGravity(0.0) setdt(0.025) ResetData End Sub App.OpenDocument: Sub OpenDocument(item As FolderItem) OpenTheFile(item) End Sub // Menu handlers: App.AppleAboutMolecules: Function Action as Boolean AboutWindow.BackColor = BGcolor AboutWindow.StaticText1.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText2.TextColor = Bcolor AboutWindow.StaticText3.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText4.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText5.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText6.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText7.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.StaticText8.TextColor = Acolor AboutWindow.Show return true End Function App.ColorsBlues: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(0,0,110) Bcolor = RGB(100,75,230) BGcolor = RGB(232,232,255) ColorsChanged ColorsBlues.checked = true End Function App.ColorsBrowns: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(115,30,0) Bcolor = RGB(180,125,60) BGcolor = RGB(245,235,200) ColorsChanged ColorsBrowns.checked = true End Function App.ColorsBubbles: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(130,255,255) Bcolor = RGB(255,200,255) BGcolor = RGB(0,0,210) ColorsChanged ColorsBubbles.checked = true End Function App.ColorsChristmas: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(0,190,0) Bcolor = RGB(240,0,0) BGcolor = RGB(255,255,255) ColorsChanged ColorsChristmas.checked = true End Function App.ColorsEarthtones: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(170,100,0) Bcolor = RGB(30,170,50) BGcolor = RGB(255,255,230) ColorsChanged ColorsEarthtones.checked = true End Function App.ColorsFall: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(255,100,0) Bcolor = RGB(255,230,0) BGcolor = RGB(65,65,30) ColorsChanged ColorsFall.checked = true End Function App.ColorsFluorescent: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(255,0,255) Bcolor = RGB(0,240,200) BGcolor = RGB(0,0,40) ColorsChanged ColorsFluorescent.checked = true End Function App.ColorsGrays: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(35,35,35) Bcolor = RGB(115,115,115) BGcolor = RGB(225,225,225) ColorsChanged ColorsGrays.checked = true End Function App.ColorsGreens: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(20,100,0) Bcolor = RGB(20,210,20) BGcolor = RGB(232,255,232) ColorsChanged ColorsGreens.checked = true End Function App.ColorsHalloween: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(255,190,0) Bcolor = RGB(120,255,0) BGcolor = RGB(0,0,0) ColorsChanged ColorsHalloween.checked = true End Function App.ColorsIndependence: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(240,0,0) Bcolor = RGB(0,0,210) BGcolor = RGB(255,255,255) ColorsChanged ColorsIndependence.checked = true End Function App.ColorsPurpleGreenSky: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(130,0,200) Bcolor = RGB(0,160,100) BGcolor = RGB(240,240,255) ColorsChanged ColorsPurpleGreenSky.checked = true End Function App.ColorsPurples: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(90,0,130) Bcolor = RGB(175,80,185) BGcolor = RGB(245,230,255) ColorsChanged ColorsPurples.checked = true End Function App.ColorsRedBlueBeige: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(200,50,50) Bcolor = RGB(50,50,200) BGcolor = RGB(255,255,230) ColorsChanged ColorsRedBlueBeige.checked = true End Function App.ColorsRedGreenBlue: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(255,0,0) Bcolor = RGB(0,255,0) BGcolor = RGB(0,0,130) ColorsChanged ColorsRedGreenBlue.checked = true End Function App.ColorsReds: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(130,5,5) Bcolor = RGB(230,0,0) BGcolor = RGB(255,232,232) ColorsChanged ColorsReds.checked = true End Function App.ColorsSpring: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(255,190,255) Bcolor = RGB(255,255,0) BGcolor = RGB(0,200,0) ColorsChanged ColorsSpring.checked = true End Function App.ColorsSummer: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(80,0,255) Bcolor = RGB(0,180,0) BGcolor = RGB(220,232,255) ColorsChanged ColorsSummer.checked = true End Function App.ColorsWinter: Function Action as Boolean Acolor = RGB(115,160,255) Bcolor = RGB(150,50,255) BGcolor = RGB(255,255,255) ColorsChanged ColorsWinter.checked = true End Function App.EditCopy: Function Action as Boolean dim RowNum as integer dim c as Clipboard dim copyList as String c = new Clipboard for RowNum = 0 to 5 if CWin.DataBox.Selected(RowNum) then copyList = copyList + CWin.DataBox.List(RowNum)+Chr(13) end if next c.SetText copyList c.Close return true End Function App.EditSelectAll: Function Action as Boolean dim RowNum as integer for RowNum = 0 to 5 CWin.DataBox.Selected(RowNum) = True next return true End Function App.FileNew: Function Action as Boolean // delete all molecules and recreate them with random positions and velocities // (especially useful in starting over after calculation becomes unstable) dim i, tempAcount, tempBcount as integer tempAcount = Acount tempBcount = Bcount Acount = 0 Acountm1 = -1 Bcount = 0 Bcountm1 = -1 redraw for i = 0 to tempAcount - 1 createA next for i = 0 to tempBcount - 1 createB next return true End Function App.FileOpen: Function Action as Boolean Dim f as FolderItem #if TargetWin32 CWin.Hide f = GetOpenFolderItem("Molecules Save File;All Types (*.*)") if WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" then end if #else f = GetOpenFolderItem("Molecules Save File") #endif If f <> Nil then OpenTheFile(f) End if return true End Function App.FileSave: Function Action as Boolean Dim f as FolderItem Dim stream as BinaryStream Dim i as Integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks // so the for loops won't take forever #if TargetWin32 CWin.Hide f = GetSaveFolderItem("Molecules Save File","Untitled.mol2") if WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" then end if #else f = GetSaveFolderItem("Molecules Save File","Untitled") #endif If f <> Nil then stream = f.CreateBinaryFile("Molecules Save File") stream.WriteByte(77) // ASCII "M" to identify MD program stream.WriteByte(68) // ASCII "D" to identify MD program stream.WriteByte(1) // main version number stream.WriteByte(0) // sub-version number stream.WriteSingle(xmax) stream.WriteSingle(ymax) stream.WriteSingle(gravity) stream.WriteSingle(dt) stream.WriteShort(Acount) stream.WriteSingle(Adiameter) stream.WriteSingle(Amass) stream.WriteSingle(AAattraction) stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteShort(Bcount) stream.WriteSingle(Bdiameter) stream.WriteSingle(Bmass) stream.WriteSingle(BBattraction) stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteSingle(ABattraction) stream.WriteSingle(WallStiffness) stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteByte( stream.WriteLong(iterations) stream.WriteSingle(t) stream.WriteSingle(Ekinetic) stream.WriteSingle(Einteraction) stream.WriteSingle(Egravitational) stream.WriteSingle(EkTotal) stream.WriteSingle(EkSquaredTotal) stream.WriteSingle(EiTotal) stream.WriteSingle(EgTotal) stream.WriteSingle(pressure) stream.WriteSingle(pTotal) for i = 0 to Acountm1 stream.WriteSingle(Ax(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Ay(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Avx(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Avy(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Aax(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Aay(i)) next for i = 0 to Bcountm1 stream.WriteSingle(Bx(i)) stream.WriteSingle(By(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Bvx(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Bvy(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Bax(i)) stream.WriteSingle(Bay(i)) next stream.close end if return true End Function App.FileSavePicture: Function Action as Boolean dim f as FolderItem dim offscreenimage as Picture // for some reason we can't just use GWin.Graphics dim i,j,x,y as Integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks #if TargetMacOS f = GetSaveFolderItem("image/x-pict","Untitled") #else CWin.hide f = GetSaveFolderItem("image/x-bmp","Untitled.bmp") if WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" then end if #endif if f <> nil then offscreenimage = NewPicture(GWin.width,GWin.height,16) // bitdepth is 16 to save space = BGcolor 0,0,GWin.width,GWin.height = Acolor for i = 0 to Acountm1 Ascreenx(i), Ascreeny(i), Apixelwidth, Apixelwidth next = Bcolor for i = 0 to Bcountm1 Bscreenx(i), Bscreeny(i), Bpixelwidth, Bpixelwidth next f.SaveAsPicture offscreenimage,4 // the 4 gives raster PICT on Mac, BMP on Windows end if return true End Function App.WindowFullScreen: Function Action as Boolean if WindowFullScreen.checked then WindowFullScreen.checked = false GWin.FullScreen = false GWin.MenuBarVisible = true = 50 GWin.left = 10 GWin.width = screen(0).width - 20 GWin.height = screen(0).height - 80 else WindowFullScreen.checked = true GWin.left = 0 = 0 GWin.width = screen(0).width GWin.height = screen(0).height GWin.MenuBarVisible = false GWin.FullScreen = true CWin.left = screen(0).width - 208 end if return true End Function App.WindowHideControls: Function Action as Boolean if WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" then WindowHideControls.text = "Show Controls" CWin.hide else WindowHideControls.text = "Hide Controls" end if return true End Function //*********************************************************************** // GWin Properties: DraggedAtom as Integer // Event handlers: GWin.Close: Sub Close() quit // under Windows it seems i can't get rid of the close box, // so we'll just quit if they click it End Sub GWin.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean select case key case "S" CWin.StartButton.Push return true case "H" if Keyboard.ShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(2.0) else App.ChangeSpeeds(1.0/0.95) end if return true case "C" if Keyboard.ShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(0.5) else App.ChangeSpeeds(0.95) end if return true end select End Function GWin.MouseDown: Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean dim i as integer dim pixelr, pixelr2 as integer dim dx, dy as integer pixelr = App.Apixelwidth / 2 pixelr2 = pixelr * pixelr DraggedAtom = -1 i = 0 while (DraggedAtom = -1) and (i < App.Acount) dx = x - (App.Ascreenx(i) + pixelr) dy = y - (App.Ascreeny(i) + pixelr) if dx*dx + dy*dy < pixelr2 then DraggedAtom = i end if i = i + 1 wend pixelr = App.Bpixelwidth / 2 pixelr2 = pixelr * pixelr i = 0 while (DraggedAtom = -1) and (i < App.Bcount) dx = x - (App.Bscreenx(i) + pixelr) dy = y - (App.Bscreeny(i) + pixelr) if dx*dx + dy*dy < pixelr2 then DraggedAtom = i + 1000 // kludge: add 1000 to denote type B atom end if i = i + 1 wend if DraggedAtom = -1 then return false else return true end if End Function GWin.MouseDrag: Sub MouseDrag(X As Integer, Y As Integer) if DraggedAtom < 1000 then App.Ax(DraggedAtom) = x / 10.0 App.Ay(DraggedAtom) = y / 10.0 App.drawA(DraggedAtom) else App.Bx(DraggedAtom-1000) = x / 10.0 App.By(DraggedAtom-1000) = y / 10.0 App.drawB(DraggedAtom-1000) end if End Sub GWin.MouseMove: Sub MouseMove(X As Integer, Y As Integer) #if TargetMacOS if (x > me.width - 16) and (y > me.height - 16) and (not me.FullScreen) then // if it's near the bottom-right corner... ResizeWindow.left = me.left // show an indentical-looking window with a grow box (quite a kludge, eh?) = ResizeWindow.width = me.width ResizeWindow.height = me.height if CWin.simTimer.mode = 2 then CWin.startButton.push end if ResizeWindow.Timer1.mode = 1 else if (not me.MenuBarVisible) and (y < 10) then me.MenuBarVisible = true else if me.FullScreen and me.MenuBarVisible and (y > 10) then me.MenuBarVisible = false end if end if end if #else // no such kludge needed in Windows, since grow box doesn't intrude into window content if (not me.MenuBarVisible) and (y < 10) then me.MenuBarVisible = true else if me.FullScreen and me.MenuBarVisible and (y > 10) then me.MenuBarVisible = false end if end if #endif End Sub GWin.MouseUp: Sub MouseUp(X As Integer, Y As Integer) // fortunately, this event will occur even if the mouse has left the window dim pixelr as integer if DraggedAtom < 1000 then pixelr = App.Apixelwidth / 2 if (x < pixelr) or (x > me.width - pixelr) or (y < pixelr) or (y > me.height - pixelr) then App.deleteA(DraggedAtom) end if else pixelr = App.Bpixelwidth / 2 if (x < pixelr) or (x > me.width - pixelr) or (y < pixelr) or (y > me.height - pixelr) then App.deleteB(DraggedAtom-1000) end if end if App.ResetData End Sub GWin.Moved: Sub Moved() if >= 40 then = end if if (me.width + 212 < screen(0).width) and (not me.Fullscreen) then if me.left + (me.width/2) <= screen(0).width/2 then CWin.left = me.left + me.width + 12 else CWin.left = me.left - 212 end if end if End Sub GWin.Paint: Sub Paint(g As Graphics) App.redraw End Sub GWin.Resized: Sub Resized() #if TargetCarbon declare sub SetRectRgn lib "CarbonLib" (region as integer, left as short, top as short, right as short, bottom as short) #endif dim i as integer App.xmax = me.width / 10.0 CWin.WidthEdit.text = Format(App.xmax,"#.0") App.ymax = me.height / 10.0 CWin.HeightEdit.text = Format(App.ymax,"#.0") #if TargetCarbon SetRectRgn App.GWinRegion, 0, 0, me.width, me.height #endif for i = App.Acount-1 downto 0 // gotta go backwards because "deleteA" moves 'em down the list if (App.Ax(i) > App.xmax - App.Aradius) or (App.Ay(i) > App.ymax - App.Aradius) then App.deleteA(i) end if next for i = App.Bcount-1 downto 0 if (App.Bx(i) > App.xmax - App.Bradius) or (App.By(i) > App.ymax - App.Bradius) then App.deleteB(i) end if next End Sub //*********************************************************************** // CWin event handlers: CWin.Close: Sub Close() WindowHideControls.text = "Show Controls" End Sub CWin.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean select case key case "S" CWin.StartButton.Push return true case "H" if Keyboard.ShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(2.0) else App.ChangeSpeeds(1.0/0.95) end if return true case "C" if Keyboard.ShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(0.5) else App.ChangeSpeeds(0.95) end if return true end select End Function CWin.MouseDown: Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean me.SetFocus // remove focus from controls End Function // Controls: CWin.StartButton.Action: Sub Action() if self.simTimer.mode = 0 then self.simTimer.mode = 2 me.caption = "Stop" else self.simTimer.mode = 0 me.caption = "Start" end if End Sub CWin.Tarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(2.0) else App.ChangeSpeeds(1.0/0.95) end if End Sub CWin.Tarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.ChangeSpeeds(0.5) else App.ChangeSpeeds(0.95) end if End Sub CWin.TabPanel1.MouseDown: Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean dim i as integer for i = 0 to 6 self.DataBox.Selected(i) = false next End Function CWin.gEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setGravity(round(1000*CDbl(me.text))/1000) End Sub CWin.gEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.Garrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setGravity(App.gravity - 0.01) else App.setGravity(App.gravity - 0.001) end if End Sub CWin.Garrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setGravity(App.gravity + 0.01) else App.setGravity(App.gravity + 0.001) end if End Sub CWin.dtEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.dtEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() // i may want to go to a fourth decimal place here... App.setdt(round(10000.0*CDbl(me.text))/10000.0) End Sub CWin.dtArrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setdt(App.dt - 0.01) else App.setdt(App.dt - 0.001) end if End Sub CWin.dtArrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setdt(App.dt + 0.01) else App.setdt(App.dt + 0.001) end if End Sub CWin.ReverseButton.Action: Sub Action() dim i as integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks for i = 0 to App.Acount - 1 App.Avx(i) = -App.Avx(i) App.Avy(i) = -App.Avy(i) next End Sub CWin.ADEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setAdiameter(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.ADEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.ADarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setAdiameter(App.Adiameter - 1.0) else App.setAdiameter(App.Adiameter - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.ADarrows.Up: Sub Up() App.setAdiameter(App.Adiameter + 0.1) End Sub CWin.AMEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setAmass(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.AMEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.AMarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.SetAmass(App.Amass + 1.0) else App.setAmass(App.Amass + 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.AMarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.SetAmass(App.Amass - 1.0) else App.setAmass(App.Amass - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.AAEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setAAattraction(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.AAEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.AAarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setAAattraction(App.AAattraction + 1.0) else App.setAAattraction(App.AAattraction + 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.AAarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setAAattraction(App.AAattraction - 1.0) else App.setAAattraction(App.AAattraction - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.AcolorButton.Action: Sub Action() Dim theColor as Color Dim b as Boolean theColor = App.Acolor b = SelectColor(theColor,"Select a color") App.Acolor = theColor App.ColorsChanged End Sub CWin.simTimer.Action: Sub Action() App.RunSimulation End Sub CWin.ANEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() dim newN, i as integer newN = round(CDbl(me.text)) if newN < 0 then newN = 0 end if if newN > 1000 then newN = 1000 end if if newN > App.Acount then for i = App.Acount + 1 to newN App.createA next else if newN < App.Acount then do App.deleteA(App.Acount-1) loop until App.Acount = newN end if end if End Sub CWin.ANEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.ANarrows.Up: Sub Up() dim i as integer if Keyboard.AsyncShiftkey then for i = 1 to 10 App.createA next else App.createA end if End Sub CWin.ANarrows.Down: Sub Down() dim i as integer if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then for i = 1 to 10 App.deleteA(App.Acount-1) next else App.deleteA(App.Acount-1) end if End Sub CWin.BNEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() dim newN, i as integer newN = round(CDbl(me.text)) if newN < 0 then newN = 0 end if if newN > 1000 then newN = 1000 end if if newN > App.Bcount then for i = App.Bcount + 1 to newN App.createB next else if newN < App.Bcount then do App.deleteB(App.Bcount-1) loop until App.Bcount = newN end if end if End Sub CWin.BNEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.BNarrows.Up: Sub Up() dim i as integer if Keyboard.AsyncShiftkey then for i = 1 to 10 App.createB next else App.createB end if End Sub CWin.BNarrows.Down: Sub Down() dim i as integer if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then for i = 1 to 10 App.deleteB(App.Bcount-1) next else App.deleteB(App.Bcount-1) end if End Sub CWin.BDEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setBdiameter(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.BDEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.BDarrows.Up: Sub Up() App.setBdiameter(App.Bdiameter + 0.1) End Sub CWin.BDarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setBdiameter(App.Bdiameter - 1.0) else App.setBdiameter(App.Bdiameter - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.BMEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setBmass(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.BMEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.BMarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setBmass(App.Bmass + 1.0) else App.setBmass(App.Bmass + 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.BMarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setBmass(App.Bmass - 1.0) else App.setBmass(App.Bmass - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.BBEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setBBattraction(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.BBEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.BBarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setBBattraction(App.BBattraction + 1.0) else App.setBBattraction(App.BBattraction + 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.BBarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setBBattraction(App.BBattraction - 1.0) else App.setBBattraction(App.BBattraction - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.ABEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setABattraction(round(10.0*CDbl(me.text))/10.0) End Sub CWin.ABEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.ABarrows.Up: Sub Up() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setABattraction(App.ABattraction + 1.0) else App.setABattraction(App.ABattraction + 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.ABarrows.Down: Sub Down() if Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey then App.setABattraction(App.ABattraction - 1.0) else App.setABattraction(App.ABattraction - 0.1) end if End Sub CWin.BcolorButton.Action: Sub Action() Dim theColor as Color Dim b as Boolean theColor = App.Bcolor b = SelectColor(theColor,"Select a color") App.Bcolor = theColor App.ColorsChanged End Sub CWin.BGcolorButton.Action: Sub Action() Dim theColor as Color Dim b as Boolean theColor = App.BGcolor b = SelectColor(theColor,"Select a color") App.BGcolor = theColor App.ColorsChanged End Sub CWin.DataBox.Open: Sub Open() dim i as integer for i = 0 to 5 me.CellAlignment(i,0) = 3 next End Sub CWin.InstButton.Action: Sub Action() self.AvButton.value = not me.value App.DisplayData End Sub CWin.AvButton.Action: Sub Action() self.InstButton.value = not me.value App.DisplayData End Sub CWin.ResetButton.Action: Sub Action() App.ResetData End Sub CWin.WidthEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() dim newwidth as single newwidth = CDbl(me.text) if newwidth < 5.0 then newwidth = 5.0 else if newwidth > screen(0).width / 10.0 then newwidth = screen(0).width / 10.0 end if end if GWin.fullScreen = false GWin.menuBarVisible = true WindowFullScreen.checked = false if < 50 then = 50 end if GWin.width = round(10.0 * newwidth) End Sub CWin.WidthEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.HeightEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.HeightEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() dim newheight as single newheight = CDbl(me.text) if newheight < 5.0 then newheight = 5.0 else if newheight > screen(0).height / 10.0 then newheight = screen(0).height / 10.0 end if end if GWin.fullScreen = false GWin.menuBarVisible = true WindowFullScreen.checked = false if < 50 then = 50 end if GWin.height = round(10.0 * newheight) End Sub CWin.WSEdit.LostFocus: Sub LostFocus() App.setWallStiffness(round(CDbl(me.text))) End Sub CWin.WSEdit.KeyDown: Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean if key = chr(13) then self.setFocus end if End Function CWin.WSArrows.Up: Sub Up() If Keyboard.AsyncShiftkey then App.setWallStiffness(App.WallStiffness + 10.0) else App.setWallStiffness(App.WallStiffness + 1.0) end if End Sub CWin.WSArrows.Down: Sub Down() If Keyboard.AsyncShiftkey then App.setWallStiffness(App.WallStiffness - 10.0) else App.setWallStiffness(App.WallStiffness - 1.0) end if End Sub CWin.StepButton.Action: Sub Action() dim i as integer if Keyboard.ShiftKey then for i = 1 to 10 App.SingleStep next else App.SingleStep end if App.DisplayData End Sub //*********************************************************************** // ResizeWindow note: This window is a kludge to allow the graphics window (GWin) to be resized without always showing the grow icon, which would intrude into the content. On Windows OS this isn't necessary, so this window can be deleted from the source code; simply check the GrowIcon box in the GWin properties window. // ResizeWindow event handlers: ResizeWindow.MouseEnter: Sub MouseEnter() me.hide End Sub ResizeWindow.Paint: Sub Paint(g As Graphics) dim i as integer #pragma disableBackgroundTasks = App.BGcolor 0,0,me.width, me.height = App.Acolor for i = 0 to App.Acountm1 App.Ascreenx(i),App.Ascreeny(i),App.Apixelwidth,App.Apixelwidth next = App.Bcolor for i = 0 to App.Bcountm1 App.Bscreenx(i),App.Bscreeny(i),App.Bpixelwidth,App.Bpixelwidth next End Sub ResizeWindow.Resized: Sub Resized() GWin.width = me.width GWin.height = me.height End Sub // Controls: ResizeWindow.Timer1.Action: Sub Action() self.hide End Sub //*********************************************************************** // AboutWindow text content: Molecules version 1.0 This program simulates the interactions of simple molecules (atoms) that attract each other when they are close but strongly repel when they touch. By changing the energy and density you can study the gas, liquid, and solid phases. Copyright 2002 by Dan Schroeder, Weber State University, Ogden, UT, USA. Click the Next button below for more information about the simulation, using this program, and copying this program. Each pair of molecules in this two-dimensional simulation interacts via the potential energy function u(r) = 4*((d/r)^12 - (d/r)^6), where r is the distance between their centers and d is the sum of their two radii. (This function is known as the Lennard-Jones potential.) The force in the radial direction is minus the r-derivative of this function; it is repulsive out to a distance slightly greater than r, and attractive beyond that. When the "attraction" parameter is set to a value other than 1, the force is unchanged in the repulsive region but multiplied by the parameter in the attractive region. This program uses natural units based on the default diameter, mass, and potential-well depth. One unit of distance is represented by 10 pixels on the screen. The unit of time is such that a unit-mass molecule moving one unit of distance per unit of time has a kinetic energy of 1/2. A unit of energy divided by a unit of distance gives the standard unit of force. This then defines the units of the gravitational constant (force/mass), wall stiffness (force/distance), and pressure (also force/distance in two dimensions). Temperature is measured in units of energy (i.e., Boltzmann's constant equals 1). For this classical, two-dimensional system, the temperature is simply equal to the average kinetic energy per molecule. Hints and Shortcuts Use the S key to start or stop the simulation. Use H and C to add and remove energy. The shift key will augment the functions of most of the arrow controls. If the time step is too large, the program will not treat collisions accurately and the total energy will increase, producing a runaway effect. If this happens, you can use the File-New command to start over. You can copy and paste from the data list into a spreadsheet or word processor. You can drag molecules around with the mouse, but try not to place them so they overlap. Similarly, don't increase the molecular diameter too much at once. This program is free, open-source software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, contact the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, The integration algorithm used by this program, as well as several other features, is taken from H. Gould and J. Tobochnik, An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods (2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1996). I highly recommend this book as a source of ideas for using and modifying this program. Please feel free to download the source code to this program from the author's web site, Made with REALbasic // Event handler: AboutWindow.MouseDown: Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean me.hide End Function // Controls: AboutWindow.CloseButton.Action: Sub Action() self.hide End Sub AboutWindow.NextButton.Action: Sub Action() if Self.PagePanel1.Value = 5 then Self.PagePanel1.Value = 0 else Self.PagePanel1.Value = Self.PagePanel1.Value + 1 end if End Sub