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From the form of the wave-function, we see that the amplitude is $A= 0.1 ~\rm m$, the angular frequency is $\omega = 10 ~\rm rad/s$ and the phase constant is $\phi =\pi/2 $. The mass is given $M= 0.1~\rm kg$.
$f=\omega / 2\pi = 1.6 ~\rm Hz$.
The maximum velocity is $v_M = \omega A = 1.0 ~\rm m/s$. This happens at $x=0$.
The maximum acceleration is $a_M = \omega^2 A = 10 ~\rm m/s^2$. This happens at the maximum displacement (in the $-x$ direction) $x=-0.1 ~\rm m$.
$F= Ma_M = 1.0~\rm N$.
The total energy can be obtained from the maximum kinetic energy $E= {1\over 2} Mv_M^2 = 0.05 ~\rm J$.

Use the equation $P + \rho gh + {1\over 2}\rho v^2 = \rm constant$.
The pressure on the surface of the water (atmospheric pressure $P_0$) and at the hose are the same. So we compare the point $A$ and $C$,

\begin{displaymath}P_0 + \rho g d - \rho gd =P_0 -\rho g (d+h_2) +{1\over 2} \rho v^2\end{displaymath}

. Then $v=\sqrt{2g(h_2+d)}$.
Since the number of fluid particles is conserved, the equation of continuity holds, which says $Av =~\rm constant$. So $v$ is constant if the cross-sectional area $A$ is constant throughout the tube.
At point $B$, the velocity is $v$ obtained in (a), and the height is $h_1$. Compared to point $A$,

\begin{displaymath}P_0 = P_B +\rho g h_1 + {1\over 2} \rho v^2\end{displaymath}

. So $P_B = P_0 -\rho g
(h_1 +h_2 + d)$.
To lift water, the pressure needs to be greater than zero. $P_B >0$ leads to $h_1 < [P_0 - \rho g(h_2 +d)]/(\rho
g)$. To get a maximum value, we set $h_2=d=0$. Then $h_1 < {P_0\over rho g}$.
You just have to add the acceleration $a$ to the gravity $g$. So $h_1< {P_0\over rho (g+a)}$.

$v= 30/2.0 = 15~\rm m/s$, in the $-x$ direction.
From $\sqrt{T/\mu} = v =15 ~\rm m/s$, you get $T=
3.6\times 10^{-2}~\rm N$.
If the total wave is of the form $y= A\cos(kx+\omega t)+B\sin (kx+\omega t)$, the time-averaged kinetic energy of a segment $\Delta x$ of the string is

\begin{displaymath}\Delta\bar{K}= \int_0^T {dt\over T} {1\over 2}\mu \Delta x (dy/dt)^2
={1\over 4}\mu \Delta x \omega^2 (A^2+B^2)~.\end{displaymath}

Then the total average power is ${\cal P} = 2 \Delta\bar{K}/\Delta
t$. If you relate $\Delta x/\Delta t = v$, you get ${\cal P}={\mu\over 2} v\omega ^2 (A^2+B^2)= 3.2\times 10^{-3} ~\rm W$.
The fundamental mode is $f_1 = {v\over 2L}$. If you set up the inequality $ 20 {~\rm Hz} < f_1 < 20,000{~\rm Hz}$, you get $ 0.38 {~\rm m} > L > 3.8\times 10^{-4} ~\rm m$.

$f_1 \approx f_0(1-v_o/v) \approx 28 {~\rm kHz}-80
~\rm Hz$.
$f_2 \approx f_1 (1-v_o/v) \approx 28 {~\rm kHz}-160
~\rm Hz$.
The beat frequency is simply the frequency difference between $f_0$ and $f_2 $, which is about $160 ~\rm Hz$.

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Hyok-Jon Kwon