Physics 171 Fall 2006 (Orozco)

Web Assign Homework Problems

Use the button below to get to the WebAssign Login Page. The WebAssign problems are due each Thursday Evenings by 11:59 PM.  They will be graded online. After the due date/time, you will not be able to complete it online, although it is still visible. LOOK BELOW THE LOGIN LINK for assigned supplementary problems, which should be turned in on paper, on Fridays at the beginning of class.

In addition to the WebAssign Problems, do these supplementary problems on paper and hand them in on Fridays at the beginning of class.

HW1:    Tipler Chapt. 2, 97 and 105; honors: 109, 131

HW2:    Tipler Chapt. 3, 98 and 120; honors: 102, 119  

HW3:    Tipler Chapt. 4, 90 and Chapt. 5, 96 ; honors: Chapt. 4, 102, Chapt. 5, 62

HW4:    Tipler Chapt. 5, 86 and Chapt. 6, 32; honors: Chapt. 5. 118, Chapt. 6, 33

HW5:    Tipler Chapt. 6, 70 and 78; honors: 71, 88

HW6:    Tipler Chapt. 7, 40 and 72; honors: 85, 94

HW7:    Tipler Chapt. 8, 38 and 48; honors: 42, 49

HW8:    Only Webassign

HW9:    Tipler Chapt. 9, 66 and 123; honors: 54, 135

HW10:   Tipler Chapt. 10, 82 and 84; honors: 94, 97

HW11:   Relativity problems Homework due November 21

HW12:   Tipler Chapt. 11: 94, 101; honors: 98, 100

HW12:   Due December 11 Tipler Chapt. 13: 96 Chapt. 17: 74; honors: Chapt. 13: 99, Chapt. 17: 76




Exam 2 Solution PDF

Exam 3 practice problems: Chapter 9: 50, 76, Chapter 10: 56, 67