
Part of the weekly homework assignment is in WebAssign, and part will be done on paper and handed in in class.

The WebAssign homework is due on Friday at 5 PM and the paper homework is due at the beginning of the last lecture of the week.

Please note that WebAssign has some quirky rules for what can be entered where. If it is not accepting your answer check out: Answers that cannot be understood. Please follow the instructions for the problems that are given in the WebAssign environment. The links below are to public forms of the problem and may not include specialized WebAssign instructions.

You will be asked to do 3-5 challenging problems including estimations, explanations, essay questions, worked out problems, and even some challenging multiple choice questions. You are encouraged to work on these with friends. The course center is a good space to work together and get feedback from a TA or Professor. CLICK FOR THE COURSE CENTER SCHEDULE.

You have to write up your solutions independently. Be careful: If two or more submitted answers are essentially identical, neither will receive credit. Some problems (1 per week) will be written out on paper and will be due at the BEGINNING of the last class of the week each week. The quality of the presentation will be considered in the score as well as the quality of the solution. WebAssign Homework is due by Friday 5pm for all sections of the class.

Some of the WebAssign problems (mostly multiple-choice) will be computer-graded, some will be graded for correctness by a human, and some won't be graded (and you'll just get points for completion). However, we won't tell you ahead of time which problems will be graded, so you'll have to do your best on all of them! For the problems that are only graded for completion, make sure you look at the solution afterwards (posted on ELMS); don't let your perfect score on that problem (based on completion) fool you into thinking you did it correctly. (Maybe you did do it correctly, but it's good to confirm that.)

So you got your homework back and you see (especially on ones you lost points) some funny letters, like some kind of code. Here's what those letters mean. The burden of figuring out where you went wrong is on your shoulders, but if the code isn't helping you, bring your confusion to the Course Center.

Due date
Online HW
(due at 5 PM)
Paper Hand in HW
(due Beginning of Class)

HW 01


1. How big is a protein molecule?

2. How big is a byte

3. Your bacterial component 

4. Sensing molecular signals

HW 02


1. Moving a Vesicle

2. The stooping hawk

3. Atorvastatin Calcium

4. Testing the Motion Detector

5. Moving through a Cell (Image J)

HW 03


1. Hitting a Bowling Ball

2. The sliding pizza

3. Pushing a box

4. Blood and Breath

5. Pushing a carriage

HW 04


1. Rolling up and down

2. Molly on the skateboard

3. Bacteria on your skin

4. Force on a woodpecker

5. Atomic force microscope

HW 05


1. Free fall acceleration

2. The swimming paramecium

3. Stretching two springs

4. Forces between charges

5. The flying squirrel and the water flea

HW 06


1. Trap-jaw ants 

2. Molecular collisions 1 

3. Estimating charge on DNA

4. Molecular E-forces

5. PIP2

HW 07


1. Diffusion in time and space

2. Diffusion in capillaries

3. Diffusion and slime molds

4. Break a leg (Not!)

5. Random vs coherent motion (Listeria)

HW 08

(11/7) (11/10)

1. Blood flow and pressure

2. Jittery cells

3. Kinetic Theory and Pressure

4. Effects of Tobacco

5. Walking on Water

HW 09


1. The train, the hill, and the bumper

2. Electric PE problems

3. The perfect bouncer

4. Hybridizing your car

5. The bungee jumper

HW 10


1. Skateboarder graphs

2. Bound states

3. Going to a deeper well

4. Muscle contraction

5. What's conserved?

HW 11


1. Thermal to chemical energy transfer

2. A biologist, a physicist, and a chemist...

3. Getting energy from ATP

4. A nice cup of tea


5. Gauss gun representations
University of Maryland
