Meeting Times

Physics 122, Spring 2011

Prof. E. F. Redish

Class Times:


MWF 10:00-10:50


All tutorial (discussion) sections meet in Toll 3301.
All lab sections meet in Toll 3312


Tutorial Time

Lab Time



M 11-12 M 12-2



W 11-12 W 12-2



T 11-12 T 12-2



T 1-2 T 2-4



W 1-2 W 2-4



W 2-3 Th 8-10


The Course Center

Room 0208 is set up in a way for you to be able to have a place to work on physics problems. There will be a variety of texts available, plus tables and whiteboards. This is a good place for groups to meet to discuss the homework. Helpers (TAs or me) will be available to answer questions or make suggestions in the course center at the times listed below.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11-12 Lynam Kretschmer* Lynam Kretschmer*  
12-1       Mathew, Magill McMurtrie
1-2   Gordon*   Redish*, Magill McMurtrie
2-3 Severson Harding, Winogradoff Cummings Redish* Harding
3-4   Winogradoff Dreyfus* Severson  
4-5 Biddle*        
5-6   Biddle*  

* These instructors are directly connected to our 010x sections and therefore should be able to give the most direct assistance on our class's work -- though the other instructors should be fine as well.

At these times, help will be offered through the Guided Study Sessions (GSS) program in the Chemistry building, room 2201, led by Nick Caffes.

The Slawsky Clinic

The Slawsky Clinic (in room 1214) is staffed by retired physicists who offer free tutoring. They are typically available for 122 students every day from 10-3.

Paid Tutors

Some students in this class have requested information about possible tutors. The Physics Department provides a list of graduate students in Physics who have expressed an interest in tutoring. We have no information about these tutors as to whether they would be appropriate for the method of teaching and learning in this class. If you choose to hire a tutor, I suggest that you control the issues to be discussed and ask a lot of questions. Click on their names to email to them.

You may contacts them by email to set up appointments and for information on fees. For other questions, check with Linda O'Hara in the Physics Department's Graduate Office in room 1120 (X55949).
Prabhin Adhikari Brian Christy Kristen Burson
Jonathan Hoffman Hana Hwang Luke Johnson
Jonah Kanner Dan Lenski Chris Krenke
Sean McWilliams Meem Mahmud T. Andrew Manning
Safa Moteshari Rufus Phillips Michael Scholten
William Young Brock Russell Will Stem
Sylvia Zhu    

Email Connections


University of Maryland Physics Department Physics 122 Home

This page prepared by

Edward F. Redish
Department of Physics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-6120

Last revision 7 February, 2011.