TIMING is one key to mastering Physics 121-122 efficiently: Doing each job earlier pays off much better than doing it later.


Read the text BEFORE the lecture, and note any parts which you find hard to understand.  Then look for clarification when the topic comes up in lecture. And if you don't get the clarification you need, ask about your trouble points, either in class,immediately after class, or as soon as possible.


Do the problems BEFORE you look at the solutions. Do them carefully, on paper, striving always to get a final algebraic expression for the desired result BEFORE you insert the numerical values for the parameters. Then you can obtain your own unique set of parameters from WebAssign anmd insert them to get your final results. At either the algebraic pre-numeric stage, or after you have finished the problems, review the solutions BEFORE you submit your first solutions to WebAssign for grading, to verify that your methods are all correct. Then submit your solutions to WebAssign, expecting that all are correct and your work is done. Arrange to do all this BEFORE your discussion session, rather than after, so that if you still have troubles, you know specifically where they lie  sop that you can focus on them and get them settled during the discussion. But if your questions are not all clarified in the discussion session, consult privately with a TA as soon as possible: confusions tolerated too long undermine your grasp of subsequent new material, and burden your later efforts.


Understand the lab and what you will have to do with it BEFORE you go there.  Then you can do your lab work efficiently so that you can obtain the data you need and still have time to finish the lab report before you leave at the end of the session.


Intuitive Understanding is a second key.  Try to see what the objects of physical interest are and how they are related. Then many standard equations of physics become natural reflections of an underlying reality of which you have a grasp, rather than mysterious incantations to be applied blindly.  If you are gifted with a good memory, it will sometimes seem easier simply to memorize an important relationship than to do the work needed to grasp it intuitively. You should resist this temptation. Instead of memorizing the relation you should rearrange it, invert it, apply it, toy with it, consider its behaviour in extreme cases, and then reconsider it until it becomes so familiar that you can remember it easily, without any need to ``memorize'' it.  If instead you attempt to use brute memorization, you may soon arrive at your memory overload point while still lacking the fundamental understanding you'll need to go further.  Then things get very tough very quickly. This seems to be a special hazard for very bright students, who have done brilliantly in High School Physics using total recall. To them Physics 121 may look like a piece of familiar cake. But as the material accumulates, pure memory becomes more burdened, while intuition becomes more and more powerful.


Ask for Extra Help.  The discussion sections are designed to provide specific help in a small-group setting. In addition, every TA in the course will be available during specified office hours (soon to be posted under Course Facts) for drop-in conversations. You should feel free to consult any TA in the course whose hours are convenient, not just the TA who manages your section, and to ask for an appointment durng other than the scheduled office hours if necessary. In addition, the lecturer will be available for questions after each lecture period, and at other times by appointment(Call 405-6115). Finally, the Slawsky clinic located in the central section of the first floor of the Physics building provides free ongoing tutoring assistance to students in Physics121-122.